Index of /google/gdgdevkit/DVD2/udacity/developing_android_apps/videos/Lesson 1_ Create Project Sunshine/

01 - Welcome to Developing Android Apps.html       18-Sep-2014 17:44                3526
01 - Welcome to Developing Android Apps.webm       13-Sep-2014 16:23            11670931
02 - Introducing Your Instructors.html             18-Sep-2014 17:44                3484
02 - Introducing Your Instructors.webm             13-Sep-2014 17:04            23471928
03 - Are you ready for this course.html            18-Sep-2014 17:44                3507
03 - Are you ready for this course.webm            13-Sep-2014 16:19              157151
04 - Introducing Project Sunshine.html             18-Sep-2014 17:44                3484
04 - Introducing Project Sunshine.webm             13-Sep-2014 17:16            13013930
05 - Course Goals and Prerequisites.html           18-Sep-2014 17:44                3500
05 - Course Goals and Prerequisites.webm           13-Sep-2014 17:24            21515912
06 - Introducing More Sunshine.html                18-Sep-2014 17:44                3469
06 - Introducing More Sunshine.webm                13-Sep-2014 17:20             4394916
07 - Installing Android Studio.html                18-Sep-2014 17:44                3469
07 - Installing Android Studio.webm                13-Sep-2014 16:38             1611930
08 - Create a New Android Studio Project.html      18-Sep-2014 17:44                3537
08 - Create a New Android Studio Project.webm      13-Sep-2014 16:15             5442062
09 - Select a Minimum and Target SDK.html          18-Sep-2014 17:44                3517
09 - Select a Minimum and Target SDK.webm          13-Sep-2014 16:32            21196717
10 - Select a Target SDK.html                      18-Sep-2014 17:44                3445
10 - Select a Target SDK.webm                      13-Sep-2014 17:20             1569881
11 - Select a Target SDK Solution.html             18-Sep-2014 17:44                3496
11 - Select a Target SDK Solution.webm             13-Sep-2014 17:12             2876258
12 - Finish Creating a New Project.html            18-Sep-2014 17:44                3501
12 - Finish Creating a New Project.webm            13-Sep-2014 16:37             6123528
13 - Install HAXM.html                             18-Sep-2014 17:44                3398
13 - Install HAXM.webm                             13-Sep-2014 16:57             4139740
14 - Launching Sunshine and Creating an AVD.html   18-Sep-2014 17:44                3552
14 - Launching Sunshine and Creating an AVD.webm   13-Sep-2014 16:53             5625480
15 - Android Software Stack and Gradle.html        18-Sep-2014 17:44                3521
15 - Android Software Stack and Gradle.webm        13-Sep-2014 16:28            21090100
16 - Debugging with a Physical Device.html         18-Sep-2014 17:44                3516
16 - Debugging with a Physical Device.webm         13-Sep-2014 16:36             9378235
17 - Launching on  a Device.html                   18-Sep-2014 17:44                3466
17 - Launching on  a Device.webm                   13-Sep-2014 16:44            10198132
18 - Start to Build the App.html                   18-Sep-2014 17:44                3466
18 - Start to Build the App.webm                   13-Sep-2014 17:27             2010033
19 - Create a User Interface.html                  18-Sep-2014 17:44                3465
19 - Create a User Interface.webm                  13-Sep-2014 17:35            17937515
20 - UI Element Quiz.html                          18-Sep-2014 17:44                3419
20 - UI Element Quiz.webm                          13-Sep-2014 17:35              647472
21 - Add ListItem XML.html                         18-Sep-2014 17:44                3424
21 - Add ListItem XML.webm                         13-Sep-2014 17:04             1660247
22 - Add ListItem XML.html                         18-Sep-2014 17:44                3424
22 - Add ListItem XML.webm                         13-Sep-2014 16:57             2381585
23 - Introducing Responsive Design.html            18-Sep-2014 17:44                3489
23 - Introducing Responsive Design.webm            13-Sep-2014 17:29             2861817
24 - Why AbsoluteLayout Is Evil.html               18-Sep-2014 17:44                3480
24 - Why AbsoluteLayout Is Evil.webm               13-Sep-2014 17:27            18269473
25 - Responsive Design Thinking.html               18-Sep-2014 17:44                3474
25 - Responsive Design Thinking.webm               13-Sep-2014 16:33             6372090
26 - Layout Managers.html                          18-Sep-2014 17:44                3413
26 - Layout Managers.webm                          13-Sep-2014 16:24             1756749
27 - ScrollViews vs ListViews.html                 18-Sep-2014 17:44                3464
27 - ScrollViews vs ListViews.webm                 13-Sep-2014 16:51             6863113
28 - Scroll Views vs ListViews.html                18-Sep-2014 17:44                3475
28 - Scroll Views vs ListViews.webm                13-Sep-2014 16:14             2656521
29 - ListView  Recycling.html                      18-Sep-2014 17:44                3439
29 - ListView  Recycling.webm                      13-Sep-2014 16:19             9755142
30 - Add ListView to layout.html                   18-Sep-2014 17:44                3460
30 - Add ListView to layout.webm                   13-Sep-2014 17:14             2842459
31 - Add ListView to layout.html                   18-Sep-2014 17:44                3460
31 - Add ListView to layout.webm                   13-Sep-2014 16:47             3232652
32 - Create Some Fake Data.html                    18-Sep-2014 17:44                3455
32 - Create Some Fake Data.webm                    13-Sep-2014 16:54             1761984
33 - Create Some Fake Data.html                    18-Sep-2014 17:44                3455
33 - Create Some Fake Data.webm                    13-Sep-2014 17:28              784867
34 - Adapters.html                                 18-Sep-2014 17:44                3372
34 - Adapters.webm                                 13-Sep-2014 16:41            15266942
35 - Initialize the Adapter.html                   18-Sep-2014 17:44                3454
35 - Initialize the Adapter.webm                   13-Sep-2014 16:17             4881889
36 - Initialize the Adapter Solution.html          18-Sep-2014 17:44                3505
36 - Initialize the Adapter Solution.webm          13-Sep-2014 16:45             1131768
37 - Finding Views findViewById.html               18-Sep-2014 17:44                3474
37 - Finding Views findViewById.webm               13-Sep-2014 16:49            11272496
38 - Finding Views findViewById.html               18-Sep-2014 17:44                3474
38 - Finding Views findViewById.webm               13-Sep-2014 16:55             2467009
39 - Great Work.html                               18-Sep-2014 17:44                3388
39 - Great Work.webm                               13-Sep-2014 16:51             1354448
40 - Lesson One Recap.html                         18-Sep-2014 17:44                3424
40 - Lesson One Recap.webm                         13-Sep-2014 17:18             5722630
41 - Storytime Android Platform.html               18-Sep-2014 17:44                3474
41 - Storytime Android Platform.webm               13-Sep-2014 17:12            30784883