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Copyright 2007 Google Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Package: Default


method public getCurrentInstanceId () : string

Gets the id of the currently running instance.

Type Description
string The name of the current module. For example, if this is instance 2 of version "v1" of module "module5" for app "my-app", this function will return "2". For automatically-scaled modules, this function will return a unique hex string for the instance (e.g. "00c61b117c7f7fd0ce9e1325a04b8f0df30deaaf").
method public getCurrentModuleName () : string

Gets the name of the currently running module.

Type Description
string The name of the current module. For example, if this is version "v1" of module "module5" for app "my-app", this function will return "module5".
method public getCurrentVersionName () : string

Gets the version of the currently running module.

Type Description
string The name of the current module. For example, if this is version "v1" of module "module5" for app "my-app", this function will return "v1".
method public getDefaultVersion (string $module = null) : string

Get the default version of a module.

Name Type Description
$module string

The name of the module to retrieve the default versions for. If null then the default versions for the current module will be retrieved.

Type Description
string The default version of the module.
Exception Description
\InvalidArgumentException If $module is not a string.
\google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesException If the given $module is invalid or if no default version could be found.
method public getHostname (string $module = null, string $version = null, string $instance = null) : string

Returns the hostname to use when contacting a module.


Name Type Description
$module string

The name of the module whose hostname should be returned. If null then the hostname of the current module will be returned.

$version string

The version of the module whose hostname should be returned. If null then the hostname for the version of the current instance will be returned.

$instance string

The instance whose hostname should be returned. If null then the load balanced hostname for the module will be returned. If the module is not a fixed module then the instance parameter is ignored.

Type Description
string The valid canonical hostname that can be used to communicate with the given module/version/instance e.g. "".
Exception Description
\InvalidArgumentException If $module or $version is not a string or if $instance is not a string or integer.
\google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesException if the given combination of $module and $instance is invalid.
method public getModules () : string[]

Gets an array of all the modules for the application.

Type Description
string[] An array of string containing the names of the modules associated with the application. The 'default' module will be included if it exists, as will the name of the module that is associated with the instance that calls this function.
method public getNumInstances (string $module = null, string $version = null) : integer

Get the number of instances set for a version of a module.

This function does not work on automatically-scaled modules.

Name Type Description
$module string

The name of the module to retrieve the count for. If null then the count for the current module will be retrieved.

$version string

The version of the module to retrieve the count for. If null then the count for the version of the current instance will be retrieved.

Type Description
integer The number of instances set for the current module version.
Exception Description
\InvalidArgumentException If $module or $version is not a string.
\google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesException if the given combination of $module and $version is invalid.
method public getVersions (string $module = null) : string[]

Get an array of all versions associated with a module.

Name Type Description
$module string

The name of the module to retrieve the versions for. If null then the versions for the current module will be retrieved.

Type Description
string[] An array of strings containing the names of versions associated with the module. The current version will also be included in this list.
Exception Description
\InvalidArgumentException If $module is not a string.
\google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesException If the given $module isn't valid.
\google\appengine\api\modules\TransientModulesException if there is an issue fetching the information.
method public setNumInstances ( $instances, string $module = null, string $version = null) : void

Set the number of instances for a version of a module.

This function does not work on automatically-scaled modules.

Name Type Description
$module string

The name of the module to set the instance count for. If null then the instance count for the current module will be set.

$version string

The version of the module to set the instance count for. If null then the count for the version of the current instance will be set.

Exception Description
\InvalidArgumentException If $instances is not an integer or if $module or $version is not a string.
\google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesException if the given combination of $module and $version is invalid.
\google\appengine\api\modules\TransientModulesException if there is an issue setting the instance count.
method public startVersion (string $module, string $version) : void

Starts all instances of the given version of a module.


Name Type Description
$module string

The name of the module to start.

$version string

The version of the module to start.

Exception Description
\InvalidArgumentException If $module or $version is not a string.
\google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesException if the given combination of $module and $version is invalid.
\google\appengine\api\modules\InvalidModuleStateException if the given $version is already started or cannot be started.
\google\appengine\api\modules\TransientModulesException if there is an issue starting the module version.
method public stopVersion (string $module = null, string $version = null) : void

Stops all instances of the given version of a module.


Name Type Description
$module string

The name of the module to stop. If null then the current module will be stopped.

$version string

The version of the module to stop. If null then the current version will be stopped.

Exception Description
\InvalidArgumentException If $module or $version is not a string.
\google\appengine\api\modules\ModulesException if the given combination of $module and $version instance is invalid.
\google\appengine\api\modules\InvalidModuleStateException if the given $version is already stopped or cannot be stopped.
\google\appengine\api\modules\TransientModulesException if there is an issue stopping the module version.
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