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NetBeans 6.5 for Python
  • 文件类型: 其它
  • 软件大小: 28MB
  • 软件类别: Development
  • 软件语言: 英文软件
  • 授权方式: CDDL
  • 运行环境: Linux,UNIX,Windows,MacOS
  • 更新时间: 2008-11-24
  • 官方网址:
  • 软件Tag:netbeans   java   ruby   php   groovy   python  

Python Projects

Create a new python project from a template, or import existing projects. Use the new file wizard to create new module. You can run individual files, or designate a main file to run per project.

Python Source Code Editor

The NetBeans editor for Python supports Smart Indent, Outdent, and Pair matching, additional to syntactic and semantic highlighting, code folding, instant rename refactoring, mark occurrences, finding undefined names, and Quick Fixes. Code completion is available for local function and variable names as well as Python keywords. The editor also assists you by inserting and fixing import statements.

Interactive Python Console

Type Python code into the console and have it executed in the IDE. You can also interrogate the state of the Python interpreter through this console.

Python Debugger

The debugger is derived from Jean-Yves Mengant's jpydbg debugger and provides a configurable graphical interface and shell. Use it to debug Jython as well as CPython sources. You can create breakpoints, and inspect local variables and call stacks.

Python Platform Manager

The platform manager lets you specify which Python runtime (CPython or Jython) you wish to use. You control which CPython is used, and you can specify values for command line arguments. To set the Python load path, you can set the PYTHONPATH variable. NetBeans comes with Jython 2.5 beta0 pre-installed, but you can use any Python that is installed on your computer.


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