Small, powerful devices, worn on the body. Useful information when you need it most. Intelligent answers to spoken questions. Tools to help reach fitness goals. Your key to a multiscreen world.
with a user experience that's designed specifically for wearables.

Get glanceable, actionable information at just the right time with notifications that are synced from your handheld device.

Say “Ok Google” to send messages, ask questions, and get stuff done.

Design apps that can access a wide range of sensors and other hardware directly on the wearable.
Before you start building, check out the Android Wear Design Principles to understand how to create great experiences for this exciting, new form factor.

Synced Notifications
Notifications on handhelds can automatically sync to wearables, so design them with both devices in mind.

Voice Actions
Register your app to handle voice actions, like "Ok Google, take a note," for a hands-free experience.

Build Wearable Apps
Create custom experiences with activities, services, sensors, and much more with the Android SDK.

Send Data
Send data and actions between handhelds and wearables with data replication APIs and RPCs.
We’re working with partners around the world to build watches powered by Android Wear!

Set up your development environment and start working with the APIs. We’re excited about the experiences you'll create and can't wait to see what you do next.