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Getting started with Google Cloud Datastore and Ruby/JSON

Before running through the steps below, make sure that:

In order to make API calls to the Datastore, you first need to install the google-api-client gem by running the following commands:

rvm use 2.0.0
gem install google-api-client

Then, download and unzip the latest version of the google-cloud-datastore samples:


Make sure to run the following commands (in a bash-like shell):

# configure your credentials
export DATASTORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=<service-account>
export DATASTORE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=<path-to-private-key-file>

Finally, run the adams.rb demo with your <dataset-id> as a parameter. It will prompt for the question and validate your answer.

ruby google-cloud-datastore-1beta2-rev1-2.1.0/ruby/demos/trivial/adams.rb <dataset-id>
Meaning of life?
> 11
Don't Panic!

The comments in the sample's source explain its behavior in detail:

require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'google/api_client'

if ARGV.empty?
  abort "usage: adams.rb <dataset-id>"

client =
  :application_name => 'adams-ruby',
  :application_version => '1.0.0')
# Build the datastore API client.
datastore = client.discovered_api('datastore', 'v1beta2')

# Get the dataset id from command line argument.
dataset_id = ARGV[0]
# Get the credentials from the environment.
private_key_file = ENV['DATASTORE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE']

# Load the private key from the .p12 file.
private_key = Google::APIClient::KeyUtils.load_from_pkcs12(private_key_file,
# Set authorization scopes and credentials.
client.authorization =
  :token_credential_uri => '',
  :audience => '',
  :scope => ['',
  :issuer => service_account,
  :signing_key => private_key)
# Authorize the client.

# Start a new transaction.
resp = client.execute(
  :api_method => datastore.datasets.begin_transaction,
  :parameters => {:datasetId => dataset_id},
  :body_object => {})

# Get the transaction handle
tx = Base64.encode64(

# Get the entity by key.
resp = client.execute(
  :api_method => datastore.datasets.lookup,
  :parameters => {:datasetId => dataset_id},
  :body_object => {
    # Set the transaction, so we get a consistent snapshot of the
    # value at the time the transaction started.
    :readOptions => {:transaction => tx},
    # Add one entity key to the lookup request, with only one
    # :path element (i.e. no parent)
    :keys => [{:path => [{:kind => 'Trivia', :name => 'hgtg42'}]}]

if not
  # Get the entity from the response if found.
  entity =[0].entity
  # Get `question` property value.
  question =
  # Get `answer` property value.
  answer =
  # No mutation.
  mutation = nil
  question = 'Meaning of life?'
  answer = 42
  # If the entity is not found create it.
  entity = {
    # Set the entity key with only one `path` element: no parent.
    :key => {
      :path => [{:kind => 'Trivia', :name => 'hgtg42'}]
    # Set the entity properties:
    # - a utf-8 string: `question`
    # - a 64bit integer: `answer`
    :properties => {
      :question => {:stringValue => question},
      :answer => {:integerValue => answer},
  # Build a mutation to insert the new entity.
  mutation = {:insert => [entity]}

# Commit the transaction and the insert mutation if the entity was not found.
  :api_method => datastore.datasets.commit,
  :parameters => {:datasetId => dataset_id},
  :body_object => {
    :transaction => tx,
    :mutation => mutation

# Print the question and read one line from stdin.
puts question
result = STDIN.gets.chomp
# Validate the input against the entity answer property.
if result == answer.to_s
  puts ("Fascinating, extraordinary and, when you think hard about it, " +
        "completely obvious.")
  puts "Don't Panic!"

With this example, you learned how to use the:

Now, you are ready to learn more about the Key Datastore Concepts and look at the JSON API reference .

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