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  • Scale, performance, and value. Run your workloads on Google's infrastructure, paying only for what you use.
  • Flexibility and an Open Environment. Launch virtual machines with a variety of configurations using layer 3 load balancing to distribute work loads, or manage your workloads with additional solutions that were developed with our ecosystem of partners like RightScale , OpsCode , and Puppet Labs .
  • Predictable Performance. Deploy your applications on an infrastructure designed for strong isolation of users' actions with access to consistently fast and dependable core technologies.
  • Strong Security. Use built-in data privacy and security capabilities with data encryption on disk.
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  1. Sign up

    1. If you don't already have one, sign up for a Google account .
    2. Create a Compute Engine enabled project via the Google Developers Console .
  2. Install the Cloud SDK

    System requirements:

    • Python 2.6.x or 2.7.x.

    gcutil is distributed as part of the Cloud SDK , which contains tools and libraries for managing resources on Google Cloud Platform.

    Installing on Linux or Mac OS X

    1. Download and install the Cloud SDK.

      You can download and install the Cloud SDK using the following command:

      $ curl | bash

      Alternatively, if you do not want to use curl , you can download and unzip the package manually:

      1. Download
      2. Unzip the file:
        $ unzip
      3. Run the installation script:
        $ ./google-cloud-sdk/

      Follow the prompts to complete the setup. When prompted if you would like to update your system path, select y .

    2. Restart your terminal to allow changes to your PATH to take affect.

      You can also run source ~/. <bash-profile-file> if you want to avoid restarting your terminal.

    3. Authenticate to the Google Cloud platform by running:
      $ gcloud auth login

    Installing on Windows

    1. Download the Cloud SDK and install it .
    2. Authenticate to the Google Cloud platform by running the following command:
      gcloud auth login
  3. Start a Google Compute Engine instance using gcloud compute .

    1. Set your Compute Engine project ID .
      $ gcloud config set project PROJECT
    2. Create and start a virtual machine (VM) instance.
      $ gcloud compute instances create example-instance
    3. Log in to the instance.
      $ gcloud compute ssh example-instance
  4. What next?

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You need to be signed in with Google+ to do that.

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