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gcutil Reference

Access Config Commands

  1. addaccessconfig
  2. deleteaccessconfig

Address Commands

  1. getaddress
  2. listaddresses
  3. releaseaddress
  4. reserveaddress

Disk Commands

  1. adddisk
  2. attachdisk
  3. deletedisk
  4. detachdisk
  5. getdisk
  6. listdisks
  7. setinstancediskautodelete

Firewall Commands

  1. addfirewall
  2. deletefirewall
  3. getfirewall
  4. listfirewalls

Forwarding Rule Commands

  1. addforwardingrule
  2. deleteforwardingrule
  3. getforwardingrule
  4. listforwardingrules
  5. setforwardingruletarget

HTTP Health Check Commands

  1. addhttphealthcheck
  2. deletehttphealthcheck
  3. gethttphealthcheck
  4. listhttphealthchecks
  5. updatehttphealthcheck

Image Commands

  1. addimage
  2. deleteimage
  3. deprecateimage
  4. getimage
  5. listimages

Instance Commands

  1. addinstance
  2. addtargetinstance
  3. addtargetpoolinstance
  4. deleteinstance
  5. deletetargetinstance
  6. getinstance
  7. gettargetinstance
  8. listinstances
  9. listtargetinstances
  10. moveinstances
  11. removetargetpoolinstance
  12. resetinstance
  13. setcommoninstancemetadata
  14. setinstancemetadata
  15. setinstancetags

Kernel Commands

  1. getkernel
  2. listkernels

Machine Type Commands

  1. getmachinetype
  2. listmachinetypes

Network Commands

  1. addnetwork
  2. deletenetwork
  3. getnetwork
  4. listnetworks

Operation Commands

  1. deleteoperation
  2. getoperation
  3. listoperations

Other Commands

  1. config
  2. getproject
  3. getserialportoutput
  4. help
  5. pull
  6. push
  7. resumemove
  8. setscheduling
  9. ssh
  10. version
  11. whoami

Region Commands

  1. getregion
  2. listregions

Route Commands

  1. addroute
  2. deleteroute
  3. getroute
  4. listroutes

Snapshot Commands

  1. addsnapshot
  2. deletesnapshot
  3. getsnapshot
  4. listsnapshots

Target Pool Commands

  1. addtargetpool
  2. addtargetpoolhealthcheck
  3. deletetargetpool
  4. gettargetpool
  5. gettargetpoolhealth
  6. listtargetpools
  7. removetargetpoolhealthcheck
  8. settargetpoolbackup

Zone Commands

  1. getzone
  2. listzones

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