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Instances: attachDisk

Requires authorization

Attaches a Persistent Disk resource to an instance.

You can also attach one persistent disk to multiple instances in read-only mode; it is not possible to attach one persistent disk to multiple instances in read-write mode.
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HTTP request



Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
instance string The name of the instance
project string The project ID of the project where the Instance resource lives.
zone string Name of the zone scoping this request.


This request requires authorization with the following scope ( read more about authentication and authorization ).


Request body

In the request body, supply data with the following structure:

  "kind": "compute#attachedDisk",
  "index": integer,
  "type": string,
  "mode": string,
  "source": string,
  "deviceName": string,
  "boot": boolean,
  "initializeParams": {
    "diskName": string,
    "sourceImage": string,
    "diskSizeGb": long
  "autoDelete": boolean
Property name Value Description Notes
kind string The type of the resource. Always compute#attachedDisk for an attached Disk resource. This is automatically supplied by the server.
index integer [Output Only] A zero-based index to assign to this disk, where 0 is reserved for the boot disk. If not specified, the server will choose an appropriate value.
type string Type of the disk, must be PERSISTENT . Persistent disks must be created before you can attach them to an instance.

Acceptable values are:
  • " PERSISTENT ": Indicates this is a persistent disk.
mode string The mode in which to attach this disk, either READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY .

Acceptable values are:
  • " READ_ONLY ": Attaches this disk in read-only mode. You can attach a persistent disk to multiple instances in read-only mode.
  • " READ_WRITE ": Attaches this disk in read-write mode. You can only attach a persistent disk in read-write mode to a single instance.
source string The fully-qualified URL to the Persistent Disk resource.
deviceName string This represents a unique device name that is reflected into the /dev/ tree of a Linux operating system running within the instance. If not specified, a default will be chosen by the system.
boot boolean Indicates that this is a boot disk. VM will use the first partition of the disk for its root filesystem.
initializeParams nested object Initialization parameters for this persistent disk. Makes this a boot persistent disk.
initializeParams. diskName string Name of the disk.
initializeParams. sourceImage string The fully-qualified URL to the source image used to create this root disk.
initializeParams. diskSizeGb long The size for this root persistent disk. If not specified, the disk will be the same size as the image (usually 10GB). If specified, the size must be equal to or larger than 10GB. Note that you will need to repartition your persistent disk before you can use any additional space beyond the size of the image.
autoDelete boolean Whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted (but not when the disk is detached from the instance).


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

  "kind": "compute#operation",
  "id": unsigned long,
  "creationTimestamp": string,
  "name": string,
  "zone": string,
  "clientOperationId": string,
  "operationType": string,
  "targetLink": string,
  "targetId": unsigned long,
  "status": string,
  "statusMessage": string,
  "user": string,
  "progress": integer,
  "insertTime": string,
  "startTime": string,
  "endTime": string,
  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "code": string,
        "location": string,
        "message": string
  "warnings": [
      "code": string,
      "message": string,
      "data": [
          "key": string,
          "value": string
  "httpErrorStatusCode": integer,
  "httpErrorMessage": string,
  "selfLink": string,
  "region": string
Property name Value Description Notes
clientOperationId string [Output Only] An optional identifier specified by the client when the mutation was initiated. Must be unique for all operation resources in the project.
creationTimestamp string [Output Only] Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
endTime string [Output Only] The time that this operation was completed. This is in RFC3339 text format.
error object [Output Only] If errors occurred during processing of this operation, this field will be populated.
error. errors[] list [Output Only] The array of errors encountered while processing this operation.
error.errors[]. code string [Output Only] The error type identifier for this error.
error.errors[]. location string [Output Only] Indicates the field in the request which caused the error. This property is optional.
error.errors[]. message string [Output Only] An optional, human-readable error message.
httpErrorMessage string [Output Only] If operation fails, the HTTP error message returned, e.g. NOT FOUND .
httpErrorStatusCode integer [Output Only] If operation fails, the HTTP error status code returned, e.g. 404 .
id unsigned long [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource, generated by the server.
insertTime string [Output Only] The time that this operation was requested. This is in RFC3339 text format.
kind string [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for Operation resources.
name string [Output Only] Name of the resource.
operationType string [Output Only] Type of the operation. Operations include insert , update , and delete .
progress integer [Output Only] An optional progress indicator that ranges from 0 to 100. There is no requirement that this be linear or support any granularity of operations. This should not be used to guess at when the operation will be complete. This number should be monotonically increasing as the operation progresses.
region string [Output Only] URL of the region where the operation resides. Only available when performing regional operations.
startTime string [Output Only] The time that this operation was started by the server. This is in RFC3339 text format.
status string [Output Only] Status of the operation.

Acceptable values are:
  • " DONE ": The operation has finished.
  • " PENDING ": The operation is pending and not yet run.
  • " RUNNING ": The operation is currently running.
statusMessage string [Output Only] An optional textual description of the current status of the operation.
targetId unsigned long [Output Only] Unique target id which identifies a particular incarnation of the target.
user string [Output Only] User who requested the operation, for example: [email protected] .
warnings[] list [Output Only] If there are issues with this operation, a warning is returned.
warnings[]. code string [Output Only] The warning type identifier for this warning.

Acceptable values are:
  • " DEPRECATED_RESOURCE_USED ": Indicates that you are using a deprecated resource and should transition to using a more current resource.
  • " INJECTED_KERNELS_DEPRECATED ": Indicates that specifying a separate Kernel resource is deprecated. You should transition to using images that contain kernel binaries. See Kernels for more information.
  • " NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSIGNED ": You did not specify a next hop address for your route.
  • " NEXT_HOP_CANNOT_IP_FORWARD ": In order for your route to work correctly, your source and destination virtual machine instances must have canIpForward enabled. See the documentation for more information.
  • " NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND ": The next hop instance you specified was not found. Please double check that the instance exists and that you have specified it correctly.
  • " NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_NOT_ON_NETWORK ": The next hop instance you specified was not found on the same network as your route object. Please make sure the instance is part of the same network as your route object.
  • " NEXT_HOP_NOT_RUNNING ": The next hop instance you specified is not currently running. Please restart or create the instnce.
  • " NO_RESULTS_ON_PAGE ": There were no results for your request.
  • " REQUIRED_TOS_AGREEMENT ": You must first agree to the terms of service agreement before you can use this service.
  • " UNREACHABLE ": The Compute Engine service is currently unreachable.
warnings[]. data[] list [Output Only] Metadata for this warning in 'key: value' format.
warnings[].data[]. key string [Output Only] Metadata key for this warning.
warnings[].data[]. value string [Output Only] Metadata value for the specified key.
warnings[]. message string [Output Only] Optional human-readable details for this warning.
zone string [Output Only] URL of the zone where the operation resides. Only available when performing per-zone operations.

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