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Represents a Route resource.

A route is a rule that specifies how certain packets should be handled by the virtual network. Routes are associated with VMs by tag, and the set of routes for a particular VM is called its routing table. For each packet leaving a VM, the system searches that VM's routing table for a single best matching route.

Routes match packets by destination IP address, preferring smaller or more specific ranges over larger ones. If there is a tie, the system selects the route with the smallest priority value. If there is still a tie, it uses the layer three and four packet headers to select just one of the remaining matching routes. The packet is then forwarded as specified by the next_hop field of the winning route -- either to another VM destination, a VM gateway or a GCE operated gateway. Packets that do not match any route in the sending VM's routing table will be dropped.

For more information, review the routes documentation.

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

A Route resource.

  "kind": "compute#route",
  "selfLink": string,
  "id": unsigned long,
  "creationTimestamp": string,
  "name": string,
  "description": string,
  "network": string,
  "tags": [
  "destRange": string,
  "priority": unsigned integer,
  "nextHopInstance": string,
  "nextHopIp": string,
  "nextHopNetwork": string,
  "nextHopGateway": string,
  "warnings": [
      "code": string,
      "message": string,
      "data": [
          "key": string,
          "value": string
Property name Value Description Notes
creationTimestamp string Output Only] Creation timestamp i n RFC3339 format .
description string An optional textual description of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created.
destRange string The destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to.
id unsigned long [Output Only] Unique identifier for the resource. This is generated by the server.
kind string [Output Only] The type of resource. Always compute#route for Routes resources.
name string Name of the resource; provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply
RFC1035 . Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
which means
the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or
digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
network string Fully-qualified URL of the network that this route applies to.
nextHopGateway string The URL to a gateway that should handle matching packets. Currently, this is only the internet gateway:

nextHopInstance string The fully-qualified URL to an instance that should handle matching packets. For example:<project-id>/zones/<zone-name>/instances/<instance-name>
nextHopIp string The network IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets.
nextHopNetwork string [Output Only] The URL of the local network if it should handle matching packets.
priority unsigned integer T he priority of this route. Priority is used to break ties in the case where there is more than one matching route of maximum length. A lower value is higher priority; a priority of 100 is higher than 200 .
tags[] list A list of instance tags to which this route applies.
warnings[] list If potential misconfigurations are detected for this route, this field will be populated with warning messages.
warnings[]. code string The warning type identifier for this warning.

Acceptable values are:
warnings[]. data[] list Metadata for this warning in 'key: value' format.
warnings[].data[]. key string [Output Only] Metadata key for this warning.
warnings[].data[]. value string [Output Only] Metadata value for this warning.
warnings[]. message string Optional human-readable details for this warning.


The following are valid Route resource methods:

Deletes the specified route resource.
Returns the specified route resource.
Creates a route resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
Retrieves the list of route resources available to the specified project.

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