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Third-party Tools

Third-party developers have integrated BigQuery with some of the industry-leading tools for loading, transforming and visualizing data. Integrations are done with the open APIs provided by Google Cloud Storage and BigQuery .

Here is a sampling of the available tools provided by the Google Cloud Platform Technology Partners .

Visualization and business intelligence tools

Tableau has integrated Google BigQuery in Tableau 8.0. This allows for fast drag-and-drop visual analysis of big data.
QlikView provides a custom connector which pulls data into their in-memory data model for analysis. They also have an extension object for their platform which allows developers to directly query BigQuery based on data selections made by business users.
Bime Analytics provides a connector which enables live querying from BigQuery with interactive data analysis dashboards. In addition to the BigQuery connector, Bime also provides several other connectors for on-premise databases as well as Google Analytics and Google Spreadsheets.
Jaspersoft has integrated its business intelligence product suite with BigQuery. This enables easy query, reporting, and live exploration of BigQuery from a browser.
  • Video coming soon.
Metric Insights provides a BigQuery plugin for their BI platform, enabling new metrics to be created quickly based on data stored in BigQuery. Caching allows many users in an organization or on a website to access the same BigQuery data without additional query charges.

ETL tools for loading data into BigQuery

Informatica has a cloud connector for Google BigQuery and Google Cloud Storage. This connector allows analysts using Informatica Cloud to synchronize data from a variety of sources to BigQuery for analysis.
Pervasive provides a solution for their RushAnalyzer product which enables BigQuery to be used as an output writer for any workflow. Workflows can be executed locally, in an on-premise cluster or in the cloud.
Talend has added support for BigQuery in their Open Studio for Big Data, an open source set of code generation tools to design and implement data integration.
SQLstream provides a Continuous ETL connector for BigQuery. When data comes into SQLstream's s-Server matching a specific pattern, it is queued for inserting into BigQuery on a regular basis.

Connectors and drivers

Simba provides a BigQuery ODBC driver that enables SQL access to BigQuery.

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