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Troubleshooting Errors

When a BigQuery request causes an error, the response differs, depending on whether it was thrown by the token-issuing authority or the API itself.

Non-Token Errors

If the error is not an authentication error, the response will include an HTTP error code and an errors object .

If you're using a Google API client library, see your library's documentation to learn what errors it throws. You can examine either the HTTP error code or the error.code value, whichever is more convenient in your client. The outermost code and message values will usually correspond to the first entry in the errors array.


  "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "reason": "notFound",
    "message": "Not Found: Dataset myproject:foo"
  "code": 404,
  "message": "Not Found: Dataset myproject:foo"


Token Generation Errors

Errors thrown by the OAuth token generation system return the following JSON object, as defined by the OAuth2 specification .

{"error" : " description_string "}

The error should be accompanied by an HTTP 400 Bad Request error. description_string is one of the error codes defined by the OAuth2 specification. For example:


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