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App Identity Module Functions

The google.appengine.api.app_identity package provides the following function:

get_access_token ( scopes )

Gets an OAuth2 access token to act on behalf of the application.


The requested API scope string, or a list of strings.

Returns tuple, access token (string) and expiration time (seconds since the epoch). The access token will be cached across multiple calls using memcache.

get_application_id ()

Returns the application ID.

get_default_gcs_bucket_name ()

Returns the name of the default GCS bucket for the app, if the app has a default GCS bucket. Typically, the default GCS bucket name is your_app_id .

get_default_version_hostname ()

Returns the standard hostname of the default version of the application. For example, if your application ID is your_app_id then this function returns a string similar to your_app_id .

get_public_certificates ( deadline = None )

Gets public certificates.


deadline = None
Optional deadline in seconds to get the public certificates; the default is system specific (typically 5 seconds).

Returns a list of currently valid PublicCertificate objects. Each PublicCertificate has a key_name and x509_certificate_pem property.

get_service_account_name ( deadline = None )

Gets service account name of the app.


deadline = None
Optional deadline in seconds to get the account name of the service; the default is system specific (typically 5 seconds).

Returns the service account name of the app.

sign_blob ( bytes_to_sign , deadline = None )

Signs a blob.


A blob to sign.
deadline = None
Optional deadline in seconds to sign a blob; the default is system specific (typically 5 seconds).

Returns a tuple, a signing key name, and a signature.

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