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The google.appengine.api.namespace_manager package provides the following functions:


Returns the current namespace, or returns an empty string if the namespace is unset.

Returns the Google Apps domain referring this request.
set_namespace ( namespace )

Sets the namespace for the current HTTP request.


A string naming the new namespace to use. A value of None unsets the default namespace value. Namespace strings must match the regular expression ([0-9A-Za-z._-]{0,100}).
validate_namespace ( value , exception = BadValueError )

Raises the BadValueError exception if the namespace string is not valid.


A string containing the namespace being evaluated. Raises the BadValueError exception if the string does not match the regular expression ([0-9A-Za-z._-]{0,100}) .
exception = BadValueError
The exception type to raise. BadValueError is the only available exception type in namespaces.

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