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Using the Users Service

Google App Engine provides several useful services based on Google infrastructure, accessible by applications using libraries included with the SDK. One such service is the Users service, which lets your application integrate with Google user accounts. With the Users service, your users can use the Google accounts they already have to sign in to your application.

Let's use the Users service to personalize this application's greeting.

Using Users

Edit helloworld/ again, and replace its contents with the following:

Reload the page in your browser. Your application redirects you to the local version of the Google sign-in page suitable for testing your application. You can enter any username you'd like in this screen, and your application will see a fake User object based on that username.

When your application is running on App Engine, users will be directed to the Google Accounts sign-in page, then redirected back to your application after successfully signing in or creating an account.

The Users API

Let's take a closer look at the new pieces:

If the user is already signed in to your application, get_current_user() returns the User object for the user. Otherwise, it returns None .

If the user has signed in, display a personalized message, using the nickname associated with the user's account.

If the user has not signed in, tell webapp2 to redirect the user's browser to the Google account sign-in screen. The redirect includes the URL to this page ( self.request.uri ) so the Google account sign-in mechanism will send the user back here after the user has signed in or registered for a new account.

For more information about the Users API, see the Users reference .

Handling Forms With webapp2 >>

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