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The RequestLog Class

This class is a representation of the complete log data available for a single request, including all application logs for that request.

RequestLog is provided by the google.appengine.api.logservice module.

  1. Introduction
  2. Properties


A large set of log data is written during the handling of a request. The RequestLog class contains all of this data with the different types of data represented as properties. Because one or more application logs can be written during the handling of an incoming client request, there is a property containing a list of AppLog objects, each of which contains one application log.

You don't instantiate this class. Instead, you obtain this information by invoking logservice.fetch() to get the filtered list of RequestLog objects, each of which contains all the log information for that request, incuding application logs. You then get the list of AppLog objects from each RequestLog object using the app_logs property to return a list of AppLog objects. (This list can be empty, if no app log was written during the request.)

Instance Properties

Returns the application id of the application that handled the request as a string.
Returns a list of AppLog objects containing any log messages emitted by the application while serving this request, or an empty list if there were no application logs written.
The number of machine cycles spent in API calls while processing request (or None if not available) as a long.
Returns a string containing an Apache-style log line in the form documented at . This is the Apache combined log entry for request, which can be constructed from the rest of this message; however, this field is included for convenience.
Returns a float value representing the estimated cost of this request in fractional dollars or None if not available.
Returns a float value representing the time at which the request completed expressed in seconds since the Unix epoch.
Returns a bool indicating whether this log represents a finished request.
Returns a string containing the Internet host and port number of the resource being requested or None if not available.
Returns a string containing the HTTP version used in the request.
Returns a string containing a mostly-unique identifier for the instance that handled the request, or None if not applicable.
Returns a string containing the origin IP address of the request.

App Engine uses an origin IP address from the range when the request is to a web hook. Some examples of web hooks are task queues, cron jobs and warming requests.

Returns a float value representing the time required to process the request in seconds.
Returns an int value representing the number of machine cycles used to process the request.
Returns a string containing the request method (GET, PUT, POST, etc).
Returns a string containing the nickname of the user that made the request if known and logged-in or None otherwise.
Returns a bytestring containing the binary offset indicating the current position in the active result stream. This value may be submitted to subsequent logservice.fetch() requests (with all other parameters identical except for the offset) to continue reading logs starting immediately after this request.
Returns a float value representing the amount of time in seconds that this request spent in the pending request queue.
Returns a string containing the Referrer URL of the request or None if not applicable.
Returns an int representing the server replica that handled the request, or None if not applicable.
Returns a bytestring containing the globally unique identifier for a request, based on request start time. Request ids for requests that started later will compare greater as binary strings than those for requests which started earlier.
Returns a string containing the resource path on the server requested by the client (the path component of the request URL). For example, would have a resource string of '/app'.
Returns a long value representing the size in bytes sent back to the client by the request.
Returns a float value representing the time at which the request began processing expressed in seconds since the Unix epoch.
Returns an int value representing the response status of the request.
Returns a string containing the request's task name, if this generated via the Task Queue API, or None otherwise.
Returns a string containing the request's queue name, if generated via the Task Queue API, or None otherwise.
Returns a string containing the file or class within the URL mapping used for the request. Useful for tracking down the source code which was responsible for managing the request, especially for multiple-mapped handlers.
Returns a string containing the user agent used to make the request or None if not applicable.
Returns a string containing the version of the application that handled the request.
Returns a bool indicating whether this request was a loading request for an instance.

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