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Managing Instances Using the Cloud SDK

This page shows you how to use the Google Cloud SDK to manage your Cloud SQL instances. The Cloud SDK provides tools that wrap the Google Cloud SQL API and simplify common operations for managing Cloud SQL instances.

You can also use the Google Developers Console to manage your instances. For more information, see Managing Instances .

Getting started with the Cloud SDK command line

To start with the Google Cloud SDK, you should review the Cloud SDK Getting Started Documentation . After installing the Cloud SDK, you should check that the Cloud SQL command-line is installed. You can do that with this command:

$ gcloud components list

If the Cloud SQL is not installed, the following command will install it. If it is installed, the following command will check for updates.

$ gcloud components update sql

Once the Cloud SQL is installed, you can get help for the tool, resources, and commands by using the --help flag:

$ gcloud sql --help
$ gcloud sql instances --help
$ gcloud sql instances create --help

The help displayed with the `--help` flag is also available in the Google Cloud SDK reference for gcloud sql .

Finally, you should configure a project as a your default project with two commands. The first command below lists the configuration for gcloud , including any default project already set. The second command sets the default project.

$ gcloud config list
$ gcloud config set project your-project-id
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Basic instance tasks

Creating an instance

The following commands show how to create a D2 instance, and then retrieve information about the instance.

$ gcloud sql instances create your-instance-name --tier D2
$ gcloud sql instances get your-instance-name

Editing an instance

The following example commands show you how to display what options are available for editing an instance, and how to edit an instance your-instance-name . In this example, the instance backup start time, pricing plan, and tier are changed.

$ gcloud sql instances patch --help
$ gcloud sql instances patch your-instance-name --backup-start-time 16:00 --pricing-plan PACKAGE --tier D2

The following command sets the activation policy for an instance to ALWAYS , which means that the instance will always be active. For the Per Use Billing Plan , setting the activation policy of an instance to ALWAYS will impact how the usage is charged for the instance. For more information, see How is use of my instance calculated? .

$ gcloud sql instances patch your-instance-name --activation-policy ALWAYS

Restarting an instance

The following commands restart an instance, your-instance-name , and then query to check the instance state. When the instance state is "RUNNABLE", the instance is ready to use again.

$ gcloud sql instances restart your-instance-name
$ gcloud sql instances get your-instance-name

Deleting an instance

The following command shows how to delete an instance.

$ gcloud sql instances delete your-instance-name
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Getting information about tiers and instances

Requesting the available tiers

The following command lists the available tiers. The tiers returned (for example, "D2", "D4") can be used with the --tier flag for creating or editing an instance.

$ gcloud sql tiers list

Listing instances in a project

The following commands set the default project and then list the instances for the default project. If you already have set the default project, you can skip the first command.

$ gcloud config set project your-project-id
$ gcloud sql instances list

Getting information about one instance

To get information about one instance, use the following command:

$ gcloud sql instances get your-instance-name

For an instance in another project to which you have access, you can get information about it by prepending the project identifier with a colon (":") before the instance name.

$ gcloud sql instances get other-project-id:instance-name
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Importing and exporting data

Importing data into an instance

The Cloud SQL command line supports importing a SQL dump file from a Google Cloud Storage bucket into an instance. The following command imports a dump file from the bucket location gs://yourbucket/sqldumpfile.gz into the instance your-instance-name .

$ gcloud sql instances import your-instance-name --uri gs://yourbucket/sqldumpfile.gz

See the import command help ( gcloud sql instances import --help ) for information about importing data from a specific database in the dump file.

Exporting data from an instance

The Cloud SQL command line supports exporting a SQL dump file from an instance to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The following command exports a dump file from the instance your-instance-name to the bucket location gs://yourbucket/sqldumpfile.gz .

$ gcloud sql instances export your-instance-name --uri gs://yourbucket/sqldumpfile.gz

See the export command help ( gcloud sql instances export --help ) for information about exporting data from a specific database or table.

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Security-related tasks

Creating a SSL cert

Google Cloud SQL supports connecting to an instance using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. After you create an instance, we recommend that you configure it so that you can connect to it using SSL.

The following command creates an SSL certificate:

$ gcloud sql ssl-certs create --instance your-instance-name cert-name

To retrieve the server public key certificate you just created, use the following command:

$ gcloud sql ssl-certs get --instance your-instance-name cert-name

To get the server certificate, use the following command:

$ gcloud sql instances get your-instance-name

After executing these commands, you have:

  • A server private key.
  • A server public key certificate.
  • A server certificate.

With these three items, you can connect to your instance using SSL. For examples, see Connecting Using MySQL Client and Admin and Reporting Tools .

Setting the root password

The following command sets the MySQL root account password. For a newly created instance, the password is not set. You must set it to access the instance with tools like MySQL Client . The following command enables you to enter the password directly from the commandline:

$ gcloud sql instances set-root-password your-instance-name --password password

The following command enables you to specify a file that contains the password:

$ gcloud sql instances set-root-password your-instance-name --password-file path-to-file

Working with operations and backups


To list all operations for an instance:

$ gcloud sql operations list --instance your-instance-name

To list a specific operation, you must provide its operation identifier. The operation identifier will look like similar to this "6b4d166e-90c7-4b49-a616-cc9e9d71b14c" and can be found from the operations list command.

$ gcloud sql operations get --instance your-instance-name operation-id


To list all backup runs for an instance:

$ gcloud sql backups list --instance your-instance-name

To list a specific backup run, specify its dueTime . The dueTime will look similar to this "2013-10-25T01:00:00.397Z" and can be found from the backups list command.

$ gcloud sql backups get --instance your-instance-name dueTime

For more information, see Backups .

Point-in-time recovery

To recover an instance to point-in-time, you must enable backups and binary logging. In addition, there must be at least one successful backup for the instance after enabling binary logging before you can recover to a point-in-time. For more information, see Point-in-Time Recovery .

Enable binary logging for an instance.

$ gcloud sql instances patch --enable-bin-log your-instance-name

Restore from the instance up to the latest state.

$ gcloud sql instances clone source-instance target-instance

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