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Connecting to Google Cloud SQL from Google Compute Engine

This page shows you how to use MySQL Client, installed on a Google Compute Engine (GCE), to Google Cloud SQL using the standard MySQL wire protocol. At a high level, this scenario involves:

  • Granting the GCE instance IP access to your Google Cloud SQL instance.
  • Installing the MySQL client on your GCE instance.
  • Connecting to your Google Cloud SQL instance.
  • Setting the TCP keepalive of the GCE instance.

In the steps below, we assume that:

  • You have created and configured a GCE instance. For more information, see Accessing Google Compute Engine .
  • You know the external (public) IP address of your GCE instance.

To use MySQL Client from a GCE instance:

  1. Grant the GCE instance access to your Google Cloud SQL instance.

    You will do this by authorizing the IP address of the GCE instance as a network that can connect to your Cloud SQL instance. For more information, see Configuring access control for non-App Engine applications .

  2. Connect to your GCE instance using the gcutil tool.
    gcutil --project=<project-id> ssh <instance-name>
  3. Install MySQL client if it is not already installed.

    The command below shows how to install the MySQL client.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install mysql-client
  4. Connect with the MySQL client.
    mysql --host=<instance-ip-address> --user=<user-name> --password
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.

    For an example of how to connect using SSL, see Connecting Using MySQL Client .

  5. Run a MySQL command.
  6. If you expect that connections between your GCE instance and your Cloud SQL instance will include long-lived unused connections, then you should be aware that connections with a GCE instance time out after 10 minutes of inactivity. For more information, see Networking and Firewalls in the Google Compute Engine documentation.

    To keep long-lived unused connections alive, you can set the TCP keepalive . The following command sets the TCP keepalive to one minute.

    sudo bash -c 'echo 60 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time'

If you do not plan to continue connecting from your GCE instance, consider performing any of the following cleanup steps.

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