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Sorting Search Query Results

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Amy Unruh, Oct 2012
Google Developer Relations


This lesson teaches you how to sort the results of a query search in the order you want them:

The example application lets a user sort on the relevance measure or perform two-dimensional sorts on document fields.

The SortOptions Class

The SortOptions class provides the basis for defining query result sort orders. Once defined, a SortOptions object is used as the sort_options parameter of a QueryOptions object:

from google.appengine.api import search


Sort Expressions

You can pass the SortOptions constructor an expressions argument, which is an iterable of SortExpression objects. This lets you perform a multidimensional sort based on document field values.

In the example application’s docs.Product class, you’ll see a list like this:

    [AVG_RATING, 'average rating', search.SortExpression(
        direction=search.SortExpression.DESCENDING, default_value=0)],
    [PRICE, 'price', search.SortExpression(
        direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING, default_value=9999)],
    [UPDATED, 'modified', search.SortExpression(
        direction=search.SortExpression.DESCENDING, default_value=1)],
    [CATEGORY, 'category', search.SortExpression(
        direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING, default_value='')],
    [PRODUCT_NAME, 'product name', search.SortExpression(
        direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING, default_value='zzz')]

This defines a SortExpression object for a subset of product document fields. In each definition, the expression parameter is simply the field name. (We’ll look at some other expression variants shortly). Notice that each sort expression defines a sort direction ( ASCENDING or DESCENDING ) and a default value, used if a document doesn’t include the given field in the expression.

In , the ProductSearchHandler.doProductSearch() method uses these definitions to define a two-dimensional sort, by defining an ordered list of SortExpression objects and passing this list as the expressions parameter of the SortOptions constructor. If the user requests a sort by average rating, we do a secondary sort by price:

sortopts = search.SortOptions(expressions=[
    search.SortExpression(expression=docs.Product.AVG_RATING, direction='DESCENDING', default_value=0),
    search.SortExpression(expression=docs.Product.PRICE, direction='ASCENDING', default_value=9999)])

Otherwise (say if the user requests a sort by price), the secondary sort is by average rating:

sortopts = search.SortOptions(expressions=[
    search.SortExpression(expression=docs.Product.PRICE, direction='ASCENDING', default_value=9999),
    search.SortExpression(expression=docs.Product.AVG_RATING, direction='DESCENDING', default_value=0)])

Then, as before, we pass this object to the QueryOptions constructor:


Using Expression Functions in a Sort Expression

The expression property in a SortExpression object can be more than just a field name: you can also use the expression functions (such as max ) that we mentioned in the previous lesson. For example, the following sort expression sorts by the value of the ‘price’ field, adjusted to include sales tax:

    expression='price * 1.08',
    direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING, default_value=9999)]

Sorting GeoPoint Fields by Distance

Finding all stores within a given distance is nice, but it would be even better if we could sort them by how far away they are. This can be done by adding a sort expression using the built-in distance function. The following query finds all stores within 4.5 kilometers of the user’s location and sorts them by ascending distance, from nearest to farthest:

index = search.Index(config.STORE_INDEX_NAME)
user_location = (-33.857, 151.215)
query = "distance(store_location, geopoint(%f, %f)) < %f" % (
    user_location[0], user_location[1], 45000)
loc_expr = "distance(store_location, geopoint(%f, %f))" % (
    user_location[0], user_location[1])
sortexpr = search.SortExpression(
    direction=search.SortExpression.ASCENDING, default_value=45001)
search_query = search.Query(
results =

Match Scoring

The MatchScorer class is used to sort documents in ascending order, using a score based on term frequency. A MatchScorer object is passed as the match_scorer parameter of the SortOptions constructor:

sortopts = search.SortOptions(match_scorer=search.MatchScorer())

The example application uses this sort when the user selects relevance from the query sort menu in the UI.

You can also access a document’s score in a sort expression, using the special field name _score . In this case, your SortOptions object should include a scorer: for example,


Summary and Review

In this lesson, we’ve learned how to define multidimensional sorts on our search results, by specifying SortExpression and MatchScorer objects and using them to build the SortOptions object passed to the QueryOptions constructor.

Try experimenting with sort expressions a bit more, to check that you understand how to use them. For instance, try changing the sort dimensions defined by the SortOptions objects in ProductSearchHandler.doProductSearch() , by performing a secondary sort on a different dimension. Or try changing the sort direction for one of the sort dimensions.

In the next lesson , you'll learn how to retrieve, delete, and re-index Search API Documents.

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