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Getting Started with Go, App Engine and Google+ API

Learning objectives

During this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • Build a skeleton for your Go App Engine web application.
  • Call the Google+ API from Go.
  • Deploy your web application to App Engine.

Johan Euphrosine , Jan 2013
Google App Engine Developer Relations


This article is an introduction to writing web applications that call Google APIs using the Go programming language. It shows you how to build a simple App Engine web application using Go.

Sample App

This sample application has a simple purpose: displaying the most recent " Gopher " image from the Google+ public stream. The source code is available on GitHub .



  1. Hello Go on App Engine
  2. Hello Google+
  3. Deploy to App Engine
  4. Next Steps

Authentication required

You need to be signed in with Google+ to do that.

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Google Developers needs your permission to do that.