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App Engine 101 in Python, Part II

Learning objectives
  • Learn how to build and deploy an App Engine app: a simple guestbook

Amy Unruh, Dan Sanderson, Oct 2012
Google Developer Relations


This class and its predecessor build on the Introduction to App Engine class. They give you the tools to write and deploy basic Google App Engine applications using Python. You'll learn how to

  • build an App Engine application using Python 2.7
  • use the webapp2 web application framework, and handle forms
  • integrate an App Engine application with Google Accounts for user authentication
  • use the App Engine Datastore with the Python NDB API
  • use Jinja2 templates with your application
  • use static files
  • deploy your application to App Engine and use the Administration Console

By the end of these two classes, you will have implemented a working application, a simple guestbook that lets users post messages to a public message board. The classes are based on the App Engine Python 2.7 Getting Started tutorial, updated to use the NDB API , and with some additional content.

Sample App

The code for a simple "Guestbook" application is included in the lessons.


The course uses the following technologies:

If you've worked through the Introduction to Google App Engine course, you should already have done the necessary installation.


Authentication required

You need to be signed in with Google+ to do that.

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Google Developers needs your permission to do that.