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Deploy to App Engine

Learning objectives
  • Deploy your web application to App Engine.

Now you can unleash your app on the world by deploying it to App Engine.

  1. Go to (you will need to be logged into your Google Account).
  2. Create a new application and remember its application id.
  3. Open app.yaml in your favorite editor.
  4. Replace application: goplus with the application id you chose earlier.
    application: YOUR_APP_ID
  5. Deploy your application by running (located in the SDK directory) with the update command and your application directory as the last argument.
    /path/to/google_appengine/ --oauth2 update goplus
  6. Load you should see a fresh picture of a gopher whenever someone posts one to the Google+ public stream.

Now you or your friends can easily embed a Gopher-related picture in their webpages using this HTML snippet.

<img src="">

Optional steps: Extend the app

Authentication required

You need to be signed in with Google+ to do that.

Signing you in...

Google Developers needs your permission to do that.