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The Flags resource represents a MySQL flag that can be configured for a Google Cloud SQL instance. The list method lists all possible MySQL flags you can use. To see flags set for a particular Cloud SQL instance, uses the Instances resource get method. For more information about MySQL flags, see Configuring MySQL Flags .

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

A Google Cloud SQL service flag resource.

  "kind": "sql#flag",
  "name": string,
  "type": string,
  "appliesTo": [
  "allowedStringValues": [
  "minValue": long,
  "maxValue": long
Property name Value Description Notes
allowedStringValues[] list For STRING flags, a list of strings that the value can be set to.
appliesTo[] list The database version this flag applies to. Currently this can only be [ MYSQL_5_5 ].
kind string This is always sql#flag .
maxValue long For INTEGER flags, the maximum allowed value.
minValue long For INTEGER flags, the minimum allowed value.
name string This is the name of the flag. Flag names always use underscores, not hyphens, e.g. max_allowed_packet
type string The type of the flag. Flags are typed to being BOOLEAN , STRING , INTEGER or NONE . NONE is used for flags which do not take a value, such as skip_grant_tables .


Available methods for Flags resources are:

Lists all database flags that can be set for Google Cloud SQL instances.

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