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The Tiers resource represents a service configuration that can be used to define a Google Cloud SQL instance. Each tier has an associated RAM, maximum storage, and list of regions in which the tier can be used. For more information, see Pricing .

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

A Google Cloud SQL service tier resource.

  "kind": "sql#tier",
  "tier": string,
  "RAM": long,
  "DiskQuota": long,
  "region": [
Property name Value Description Notes
DiskQuota long The maximum disk size of this tier in bytes.
RAM long The maximum RAM usage of this tier in bytes.
kind string This is always sql#tier .
region[] list The applicable regions for this tier. Can be us-east1 , europe-west1 , or asia-east1 .
tier string An identifier for the service tier, for example D1, D2 etc. For related information, see Pricing .


Available methods for Tiers resources are:

Lists service tiers that can be used to create Google Cloud SQL instances.

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