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Admin and Reporting Tools

This page describes several common database administration and reporting tools that you can use to connect to your Google Cloud SQL instances.



Database administration and reporting tools provide varying degrees of support for managing your database. Select a tool based on what type of administration and reporting you need to do. For example, if you need to connect to one database and issue a few SQL commands, consider using MySQL client (see Connecting with MySQL Client ). If you need to design or manage many databases simultaneously, then use one of the visual-based tools discussed here.

We discuss a limited number of tools in this page, but, if your tool is not shown below, it is likely that you can follow the steps for a tool that is similar and successfully connect.

Connecting with MySQL Workbench

This section shows how to connect to your Google Cloud SQL instance database with MySQL Workbench . Before connecting, make sure you have assigned an IP address to your instance and the instance will accept connections from the IP address where you are running the tool (see Configuring access for non-App Engine applications ).

  1. In the MySQL Workbench home view, click New Connection .
  2. In the Setup New Connection window, provide a Connection Name , Hostname , Username , and Default Schema , if applicable, as show in Figure 1.

    The Setup New Connection, Parameters in MySQL Workbench.
    Figure 1: Specifying parameters in the MySQL Workbench Setup New Connection window.

  3. Click Test Connection . You will be prompted for a password.
  4. Optionally, click Advanced , and fill in the information for connecting with SSL as shown in Figure 2. Be sure to select Use SSL if available and specify a SSL CA File , a SSL CERT File , and a SSL key File .

    The Setup New Connection, Advanced in MySQL Workbench.
    Figure 2: Specifying advanced options in the MySQL Workbench Setup New Connection window.

  5. Click Test Connection to make sure all the advanced parameters are okay.
  6. Click Close .
  7. Connect with the connection you just created.
  8. Once connected, you can test if you are using SSL by executing the following SQL statement:
    SHOW STATUS like 'ssl_cipher';

    Testing if connection is over SSL.
    Figure 3: Testing if the MySQL Workbench connection uses SSL.

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Connecting with Toad for MySQL

This section shows how to connect to your Google Cloud SQL instance database with Toad for MySQL . Before connecting, make sure you have assigned an IP address to your instance and the instance will accept connections from the IP address where you are running the tool (see Configuring access for non-App Engine applications ).

  1. In Toad for MySQL, create a new connection.
  2. In the New MySQL Connection window fill in the following information:
    • User - the name of a user in your MySQL database.
    • Password - the password for the specified user.
    • Host - the IP address you assigned to your instance. For more information, see Configuring Application Access Control . If you have mapped the IP address to host name for your local server, you can use that in this field.
    • Database - the instance database to which to connect.

    The Create New Connection dialog box in Toad for Mac.
    Figure 4: The Create New Connection dialog box in Toad for Mac

  3. Click Test Connection to confirm the connection information is correct.
  4. Click OK to start the connection.
  5. In the Enter Password dialog, enter the password for the user. This dialog appears because we did not choose Save password (encrypted) in the Create New Connection dialog.

Configuring Toad to use SSL

In Figure 5, a Create New Connection dialog box is shown with the information for connecting with SSL. Note that not all versions of Toad may support connecting with SSL.

The Create New Connection dialog box in Toad for Windows.
Figure 5: The Create New Connection dialog box in Toad for Windows

Once connected, you can test if you are using SSL by executing the following SQL statement and verifying that the ssl_cipher value is not empty:

SHOW STATUS like 'ssl_cipher';
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Connecting with SQuirrel SQL

This section shows how to connect to your Google Cloud SQL instance database with SQuirrel SQL . Before connecting, make sure you have assigned an IP address to your instance and the instance will accept connections from the IP address where you are running the tool (see Configuring access for non-App Engine applications ).

  1. In the SQuirrel SQL client, select the Aliases panel to make it active.
  2. In the Aliases menu, select New Alias .
  3. Fill out the information as shown in Figure 6. Be sure to select then MySQL Driver and provide values for <instance-ip> , <database> , and <user-name> .

    New alias in SQuirrel SQL.
    Figure 6: Configuring a SQuirrel SQL connection to MySQL.

  4. Click Test to test the connection. You will prompted for a password.
  5. Click OK to save the alias.
  6. In the Aliases panel, right-click the alias you just created and select Connect .

Configuring SQuirrel SQL to use SSL

This section assumes you have created an SSL certificate (see Configuring SSL for an instance ) and you have three files:

  • A CA certificate file, for example, ca-cert.pem .
  • A client public key certificate file, for example, client-cert.pem .
  • A client private key file, for example, client-key.pem .

Use these files with the instructions Connecting Securely Using SSL , in the MySQL Reference Manual, to create keystore and truststore files. You then need to specify the keystore and truststore files when you start SQuirrel SQL. One way to do this is to edit the script that launches the SQuirrel SQL application as shown below:

$JAVACMD<path-to-keystore> \<keystore-password> \<path-to-truststore> \<truststore-password> \
         [existing launch parameters]

After you have started SQuirrel SQL with the valid keystore and truststore information, you can connect with:


Once connected, you can test if you are using SSL by executing the following SQL statement and verifying that the ssl_cipher value is not empty:

SHOW STATUS like 'ssl_cipher';
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