Adding Auth Support to the Client
In this part of the tutorial, you'll add UI components and JavaScript to support a simple GET request to a backend API method that is protected by OAuth. To do this, we need to:
- Register your client app with Google Developers Console so it works with your project.
- Add the client ID to your backend API's whitelist
- Add the UI sign-in component and the UI component to send the "auth-ed" request
Add Javascript to
: add the client ID, support sign-in and to support the UI in making an "auth-ed" GET, .
Registering a web client
During the registration process, you'll get a web client ID. This ID must be added to the backend API's whitelist in order for your client to access a method protected by OAuth.
To register a web client:
- Open the Google Developers Console .
- Select your project in the projects list to open it and make it the active project.
- In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth , then select Registered apps.
- At the top of the page, select Register App .
- In the Register New Application form, supply a name for your app, select Web Application , then click Register .
- Click OAuth 2.0 client ID to expand its form, and locate your new client ID.
In the
textbox, specify the URL of your backend API, making
sure you use
as the protocol, not http. For example,
. - Click Generate .
- Your app is now registered and you now have the client ID you need for your backend API and for your client.
Adding the web client ID to the backend API
In order for your web client to be recognized by the backend API, you must add the web client ID obtained above to the backend's list of client IDs. This is described in Adding an OAuth 2.0-protected method .
Adding UI components to support auth
We'll need to add a sign-in button for user sign-in. In the
file you added previously in the tutorial, immediately under theHello Endpoints!
line, add the following lines:<a class="brand" href="#">Hello Endpoints!</a> <div class="nav-collapse collapse pull-right"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn" id="signinButton">Sign in</a> </div>
We'll need a button to send a request to the auth-protected backend API method. Immediately under the Multiply Greetings form, add the following lines:
<form onsubmit="return false;"> <h2>Authenticated Greeting</h2> <div><input id="authedGreeting" type="submit" class="btn btn-small" disabled value="Submit"></div> </form>
When you are finished, your
file should look like this:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Hello Endpoints!</title> <script async src="/js/base.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css"> <style> body { padding-top: 40px; padding-bottom: 40px; background-color: #f5f5f5; } blockquote { margin-bottom: 10px; border-left-color: #bbb; } form { margin-top: 10px; } form label { width: 90px; display: inline-block; } .form-signin input[type="text"] { font-size: 16px; height: auto; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 7px 9px; } .row { margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 10px; overflow: scroll; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"> <div class="navbar-inner"> <div class="container"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-navbar" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse"> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <a class="brand" href="#">Hello Endpoints!</a> <div class="nav-collapse collapse pull-right"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn" id="signinButton">Sign in</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <output id="outputLog"></output> <form onsubmit="return false;"> <h2>Get Greeting</h2> <div><label for="id">Greeting ID:</label><input id="id" /></div> <div><input id="getGreeting" type="submit" class="btn btn-small" value="Submit"></div> </form> <form onsubmit="return false;"> <h2>List Greetings</h2> <div><input id="listGreeting" type="submit" class="btn btn-small" value="Submit"></div> </form> <form onsubmit="return false;"> <h2>Multiply Greetings</h2> <div><label for="greeting">Greeting:</label><input id="greeting" /></div> <div><label for="count">Count:</label><input id="count" /></div> <div><input id="multiplyGreetings" type="submit" class="btn btn-small" value="Submit"></div> </form> <form onsubmit="return false;"> <h2>Authenticated Greeting</h2> <div><input id="authedGreeting" type="submit" class="btn btn-small" disabled value="Submit"></div> </form> <script> function init() { google.appengine.samples.hello.init('//' + + '/_ah/api'); } </script> <script src=""></script> </div> </body> </html>
Adding auth support in JavaScript
In the
file you added previously in the tutorial, under the lines that set the namespace, add the following lines, replacing the valueyour-client-ID
with the value obtained above when you registered your client app:/** * Client ID of the application (from the APIs Console). * @type {string} */ google.appengine.samples.hello.CLIENT_ID = 'your-client-ID'; /** * Scopes used by the application. * @type {string} */ google.appengine.samples.hello.SCOPES = '';
The email scopes value as shown is needed by OAuth.
, add the sign-in button and auth'ed request button to the list of buttons to be enabled:/** * Enables the button callbacks in the UI. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.enableButtons = function() { var getGreeting = document.querySelector('#getGreeting'); getGreeting.addEventListener('click', function(e) { google.appengine.samples.hello.getGreeting( document.querySelector('#id').value); }); var listGreeting = document.querySelector('#listGreeting'); listGreeting.addEventListener('click', google.appengine.samples.hello.listGreeting); var multiplyGreetings = document.querySelector('#multiplyGreetings'); multiplyGreetings.addEventListener('click', function(e) { google.appengine.samples.hello.multiplyGreeting( document.querySelector('#greeting').value, document.querySelector('#count').value); }); var authedGreeting = document.querySelector('#authedGreeting'); authedGreeting.addEventListener('click', google.appengine.samples.hello.authedGreeting); var signinButton = document.querySelector('#signinButton'); signinButton.addEventListener('click', google.appengine.samples.hello.auth); };
, modify theinit
function to load the OAuth library, and add user sign-in to the callback function to be executed after libraries are successfully loaded:/** * Initializes the application. * @param {string} apiRoot Root of the API's path. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.init = function(apiRoot) { // Loads the OAuth and helloworld APIs asynchronously, and triggers login // when they have completed. var apisToLoad; var callback = function() { if (--apisToLoad == 0) { google.appengine.samples.hello.enableButtons(); google.appengine.samples.hello.signin(true, google.appengine.samples.hello.userAuthed); } } apisToLoad = 2; // must match number of calls to gapi.client.load() gapi.client.load('helloworld', 'v1', callback, apiRoot); gapi.client.load('oauth2', 'v2', callback); };
Notice that all of the libraries you want to load are loaded before your callback is invoked. Notice also how the
value is incremented to reflect the count of libraries to load. -
function shown above, which invokes the OAuth library'sauthorize
function, is executed upon page load. We'll define this next by adding the following lines above thegetGreeting
function:/** * Handles the auth flow, with the given value for immediate mode. * @param {boolean} mode Whether or not to use immediate mode. * @param {Function} callback Callback to call on completion. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.signin = function(mode, callback) { gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: google.appengine.samples.hello.CLIENT_ID, scope: google.appengine.samples.hello.SCOPES, immediate: mode}, callback); };
Add the logic for the authorization form that is invoked when the user clicks the sign-in button:
/** * Presents the user with the authorization popup. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.auth = function() { if (!google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn) { google.appengine.samples.hello.signin(false, google.appengine.samples.hello.userAuthed); } else { google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn = false; document.querySelector('#signinButton').textContent = 'Sign in'; document.querySelector('#authedGreeting').disabled = true; } };
boolean is initially set to false because our client logic happens to need it. -
Add the logic that loads the auth-related application UI. The
boolean is initially set to false for our client logic.This function is called during page load:/** * Whether or not the user is signed in. * @type {boolean} */ google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn = false; /** * Loads the application UI after the user has completed auth. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.userAuthed = function() { var request = gapi.client.oauth2.userinfo.get().execute(function(resp) { if (!resp.code) { google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn = true; document.querySelector('#signinButton').textContent = 'Sign out'; document.querySelector('#authedGreeting').disabled = false; } }); };
Finally, add the function that is invoked when the user clicks on the Authenticated Greeting button to send a request to the backend API:
/** * Greets the current user via the API. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.authedGreeting = function(id) { gapi.client.helloworld.greetings.authed().execute( function(resp) { google.appengine.samples.hello.print(resp); }); };
When you are finished, your
file should look like this:/** * @fileoverview * Provides methods for the Hello Endpoints sample UI and interaction with the * Hello Endpoints API. */ /** google global namespace for Google projects. */ var google = google || {}; /** appengine namespace for Google Developer Relations projects. */ google.appengine = google.appengine || {}; /** samples namespace for App Engine sample code. */ google.appengine.samples = google.appengine.samples || {}; /** hello namespace for this sample. */ google.appengine.samples.hello = google.appengine.samples.hello || {}; /** * Client ID of the application (from the APIs Console). * @type {string} */ google.appengine.samples.hello.CLIENT_ID = 'your-client-ID'; /** * Scopes used by the application. * @type {string} */ google.appengine.samples.hello.SCOPES = ''; /** * Whether or not the user is signed in. * @type {boolean} */ google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn = false; /** * Loads the application UI after the user has completed auth. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.userAuthed = function() { var request = gapi.client.oauth2.userinfo.get().execute(function(resp) { if (!resp.code) { google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn = true; document.querySelector('#signinButton').textContent = 'Sign out'; document.querySelector('#authedGreeting').disabled = false; } }); }; /** * Handles the auth flow, with the given value for immediate mode. * @param {boolean} mode Whether or not to use immediate mode. * @param {Function} callback Callback to call on completion. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.signin = function(mode, callback) { gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: google.appengine.samples.hello.CLIENT_ID, scope: google.appengine.samples.hello.SCOPES, immediate: mode}, callback); }; /** * Presents the user with the authorization popup. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.auth = function() { if (!google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn) { google.appengine.samples.hello.signin(false, google.appengine.samples.hello.userAuthed); } else { google.appengine.samples.hello.signedIn = false; document.querySelector('#signinButton').textContent = 'Sign in'; document.querySelector('#authedGreeting').disabled = true; } }; /** * Prints a greeting to the greeting log. * param {Object} greeting Greeting to print. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.print = function(greeting) { var element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('row'); element.innerHTML = greeting.message; document.querySelector('#outputLog').appendChild(element); }; /** * Gets a numbered greeting via the API. * @param {string} id ID of the greeting. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.getGreeting = function(id) { gapi.client.helloworld.greetings.getGreeting({'id': id}).execute( function(resp) { if (!resp.code) { google.appengine.samples.hello.print(resp); } }); }; /** * Lists greetings via the API. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.listGreeting = function() { gapi.client.helloworld.greetings.listGreeting().execute( function(resp) { if (!resp.code) { resp.items = resp.items || []; for (var i = 0; i < resp.items.length; i++) { google.appengine.samples.hello.print(resp.items[i]); } } }); }; /** * Gets a greeting a specified number of times. * @param {string} greeting Greeting to repeat. * @param {string} count Number of times to repeat it. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.multiplyGreeting = function( greeting, times) { gapi.client.helloworld.greetings.multiply({ 'message': greeting, 'times': times }).execute(function(resp) { if (!resp.code) { google.appengine.samples.hello.print(resp); } }); }; /** * Greets the current user via the API. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.authedGreeting = function(id) { gapi.client.helloworld.greetings.authed().execute( function(resp) { google.appengine.samples.hello.print(resp); }); }; /** * Enables the button callbacks in the UI. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.enableButtons = function() { var getGreeting = document.querySelector('#getGreeting'); getGreeting.addEventListener('click', function(e) { google.appengine.samples.hello.getGreeting( document.querySelector('#id').value); }); var listGreeting = document.querySelector('#listGreeting'); listGreeting.addEventListener('click', google.appengine.samples.hello.listGreeting); var multiplyGreetings = document.querySelector('#multiplyGreetings'); multiplyGreetings.addEventListener('click', function(e) { google.appengine.samples.hello.multiplyGreeting( document.querySelector('#greeting').value, document.querySelector('#count').value); }); var authedGreeting = document.querySelector('#authedGreeting'); authedGreeting.addEventListener('click', google.appengine.samples.hello.authedGreeting); var signinButton = document.querySelector('#signinButton'); signinButton.addEventListener('click', google.appengine.samples.hello.auth); }; /** * Initializes the application. * @param {string} apiRoot Root of the API's path. */ google.appengine.samples.hello.init = function(apiRoot) { // Loads the OAuth and helloworld APIs asynchronously, and triggers login // when they have completed. var apisToLoad; var callback = function() { if (--apisToLoad == 0) { google.appengine.samples.hello.enableButtons(); google.appengine.samples.hello.signin(true, google.appengine.samples.hello.userAuthed); } } apisToLoad = 2; // must match number of calls to gapi.client.load() gapi.client.load('helloworld', 'v1', callback, apiRoot); gapi.client.load('oauth2', 'v2', callback); };
Change to the
parent directory and upload the updated backend API along with your client by invoking the following:/appengine-sdk-installdir/google_appengine/ update helloendpoints
Supply your Google account email and a password if prompted.
Visit the App Engine URL:
to display the UI: -
Click Sign In .
Under Authenticated Greeting , click Submit to display your login name.
And that's it! You've successfully accessed a backend API protected by OAuth.
This completes the Getting Started for web clients.