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The SearchResults Class

Class SearchResults represents the result of executing a search request using .

SearchResults is defined in the module.

  1. Constructor
  2. Properties:


The constructor for class SearchResults is defined as follows:

class SearchResults ( number_found , results = None , cursor = None )

Request the search service to query an index, specifying parameters for that query.




The number of documents found for the query.


The list of ScoredDocument objects returned from executing a search request.


A Cursor object allowing you to continue the search from the end of the current search results.

Result value

A new instance of class SearchRequest representing the results of executing .



If any of the parameters have an invalid type, or an unknown attribute is passed.


If any parameter has an invalid value.


An instance of class SearchResults has the following properties:


Returns the list of ScoredDocument objects matching the query.


Returns an approximate number of documents matching the query. QueryOptions defining post-processing of the search results. If the QueryOptions.number_found_accuracy parameter were set to 100, then number_found <= 100 is accurate.

For this field to be populated, you must pass a cursor in the search's QueryOptions , otherwise this will be None. Returns a results Cursor that can be used to continue the search from the last result. If there are no more results after the current result, returns None.

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