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OAuth for Python is an experimental, innovative, and rapidly changing new feature for Google App Engine. Unfortunately, being on the bleeding edge means that we may make backwards-incompatible changes to OAuth for Python. We will inform the community when this feature is no longer experimental.

The google.appengine.api.oauth package provides the following functions:

get_current_user ()

Returns the User object for the user represented by the OAuth consumer making this request. If the OAuth consumer did not make a valid OAuth request (such as an invalid token or other protocol parameters), calling this function raises a OAuthRequestError .

When called in the local development server, this method always returns a User object with email set to "[email protected]" and user ID set to 0.

is_current_user_admin ()

Returns True if the user of the OAuth consumer making this request is currently registered as an administrator of this application. If the OAuth consumer did not make a valid OAuth request, calling this function raises a OAuthRequestError .

get_oauth_consumer_key ()

Returns the OAuth consumer key provided with the current request. If the OAuth consumer did not make a valid OAuth request, calling this function raises a OAuthRequestError .

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