package provides the following exception classes:
- exception Error
This is the base for all exceptions in this package.
- exception BadTransactionStateError(Error)
The state of the current transaction does not permit this operation.
- exception InternalError(Error)
There was an internal error while accessing this queue. If this problem continues, please contact the App Engine team through our support forum with a description of your problem.
- exception BadTaskStateError(Error)
The task is in the wrong state for the requested operation.
- exception DatastoreError(Error)
There was a datastore error while accessing the queue.
- exception DuplicateTaskNameError(Error)
When adding multiple tasks to a queue in a batch, two tasks in the batch have the same name, which is not allowed.
- exception InvalidLeaseTimeError(Error)
The lease time period is invalid.
- exception InvalidMaxTasksError(Error)
The requested max tasks in lease_tasks is invalid.
- exception InvalidQueueError(Error)
The Queue's configuration is invalid.
- exception InvalidQueueModeError(Error)
Invoking PULL queue operation on a PUSH queue or vice versa.
- exception InvalidQueueNameError(InvalidQueueError)
The Queue's name is invalid.
- exception InvalidTaskError(Error)
The task's parameters, headers, or method is invalid.
- exception InvalidTaskNameError(InvalidTaskError)
The task's name is invalid.
- exception InvalidTaskRetryOptionsError(Error)
The task retry configuration is invalid.
- exception InvalidUrlError(InvalidTaskError)
The task's relative URL is invalid.
- exception PermissionDeniedError(Error)
The requested operation is not allowed for this app.
- exception TaskAlreadyExistsError(InvalidTaskError)
Task already exists. It has not yet run.
- exception TaskTooLargeError(InvalidTaskError)
The task is too large with its headers and payload.
- exception TombstonedTaskError(InvalidTaskError)
Task has been tombstoned.
- exception TooManyTasksError(Error)
When adding multiple tasks to a queue in a batch, the number of tasks in the batch exceeds the limit.
- exception TransientError(Error)
There was a transient error while accessing the queue. Please try again later.
- exception UnknownQueueError(Error)
The queue specified is unknown.