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Before starting this tutorial, you need to set up your environment with the necessary requirements.

Building and deploying the Backend API

This tutorial assumes that you have completed the API backend tutorial and that you have deployed it to production App Engine. If you haven't done that yet, follow the link and complete that task first.

Generating the client library for the backend API

You must generate the backend API client library.

To do this:

  1. Open a terminal window and change directory to the directory containing the backend API project:

  2. Generate the client libray by invoking maven as follows:

    mvn appengine:endpoints_get_client_lib
  3. Change directory to

  4. Invoke Maven to build the client library:

    mvn install

    This builds the required class files and creates the JAR file you need to add to your client project. The resulting client library JAR file is located inside your current directory at this location:


    Make a note of this location so you know where to get the JAR file later when you configure your Android project.

Downloading and installing Android Studio

This client tutorial uses Android Studio, so you need to download and install it following the instructions on the download page.

Installing Android SDKs and required packages in Android Studio

You must install the API package for each API level you want to support in your app, and you must install required packages.

To install the SDKs:

  1. Start Android Studio. (In Linux, you do this by invoking .)
  2. Close any projects currently open ( File > Close Project .)
  3. Click Configure > SDK Manager in the Quickstart pane to display the Android SDK Manager.
  4. Select the following items in the Android SDK Manager, under Tools :
    • Android SDK Tools
    • Android SDK Platform-tools
    • Android SDK Build-tools (19.0.1)
  5. Select the following items under Android 4.4.2 (API 19) :
    • SDK Platform
    • Google APIs
  6. Select the following items in the Android SDK Manager, under Extras :
    • Android Support Repository
    • Android Support Library
    • Google Play Services
    • Google Repository
  7. Click Install Packages and wait for the install to finish.

Enabling your Android device for debugging

In this tutorial, we'll run the app on a real Android device, so you need to enable your Android device for debugging .

You should also become familiar with the process of deploying an app to an Android device .


Create and configure your Android Endpoints project.

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