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A Task resource represents a single task to be handled by a client. A task is defined by an arbitrary blob of data that should be understood by the client.

The standard usage is that a client calls to get the next available task, performs that task, and then calls task.delete on that task before the lease expires. If the client cannot finish the task before the lease expires, and has a reasonable chance of completing the task, it should call again before the lease expires. If the client completes the task after the lease has expired, it still needs to delete the task. Tasks should be designed to be idempotent to avoid errors if multiple clients complete the same task.

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

  "kind": "taskqueues#task",
  "id": string,
  "queueName": string,
  "payloadBase64": string,
  "enqueueTimestamp": long,
  "leaseTimestamp": long,
  "retry_count": integer,
  "tag": string
Property name Value Description Notes
kind string [Not mutable.] The kind of object returned, in this case set to task.
id string Randomly generated name of the task. You may override the default generated name by specifying your own name when inserting the task.  We strongly recommend against specifying a task name yourself.
queueName string [Not mutable.] Name of the queue that the task is in.
payloadBase64 string [Not mutable.] The bytes describing the task to perform. This is a base64-encoded string. The client is expected to understand the payload format. The maximum size is 1MB. This value will be empty in calls to tasks.list .
enqueueTimestamp long [Not mutable.] Time (in seconds since the epoch) at which the task was enqueued.
leaseTimestamp long [Not mutable.] The time at which the task lease will expire, in seconds since the epoch. If this task has never been leased, it will be zero. If this this task has been previously leased and the lease has expired, this value will be < Now().
tag string The tag for this task. Tagging tasks allows you to group them for processing using lease.group_by_tag .
retry_count integer The number of leases applied to this task.


Deletes a task from a TaskQueue.
Gets the named task in a TaskQueue.
Insert a task into an existing queue.
Acquires a lease on the topmost N unowned tasks in the specified queue.
Lists all non-deleted Tasks in a TaskQueue, whether or not they are currently leased, up to a maximum of 100.
Update tasks that are leased out of a TaskQueue.
Update the duration of a task lease.

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