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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattService

Class Overview

Represents a Bluetooth GATT Service

Gatt Service contains a collection of BluetoothGattCharacteristic , as well as referenced services.


int SERVICE_TYPE_PRIMARY Primary service
int SERVICE_TYPE_SECONDARY Secondary service (included by primary services)
protected List < BluetoothGattCharacteristic > mCharacteristics List of characteristics included in this service.
protected List < BluetoothGattService > mIncludedServices List of included services for this service.
Public Constructors
BluetoothGattService ( UUID uuid, int serviceType)
Create a new BluetoothGattService.
Public Methods
boolean addCharacteristic ( BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)
Add a characteristic to this service.
boolean addService ( BluetoothGattService service)
Add an included service to this service.
BluetoothGattCharacteristic getCharacteristic ( UUID uuid)
Returns a characteristic with a given UUID out of the list of characteristics offered by this service.
List < BluetoothGattCharacteristic > getCharacteristics ()
Returns a list of characteristics included in this service.
List < BluetoothGattService > getIncludedServices ()
Get the list of included GATT services for this service.
int getInstanceId ()
Returns the instance ID for this service

If a remote device offers multiple services with the same UUID (ex.

int getType ()
Get the type of this service (primary/secondary)
UUID getUuid ()
Returns the UUID of this service
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int SERVICE_TYPE_PRIMARY

Primary service

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int SERVICE_TYPE_SECONDARY

Secondary service (included by primary services)

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


protected List < BluetoothGattCharacteristic > mCharacteristics

List of characteristics included in this service.

protected List < BluetoothGattService > mIncludedServices

List of included services for this service.

Public Constructors

public BluetoothGattService ( UUID uuid, int serviceType)

Create a new BluetoothGattService.

Requires BLUETOOTH permission.

uuid The UUID for this service
serviceType The type of this service, SERVICE_TYPE_PRIMARY or SERVICE_TYPE_SECONDARY

Public Methods

public boolean addCharacteristic ( BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)

Add a characteristic to this service.

Requires BLUETOOTH permission.

characteristic The characteristics to be added
  • true, if the characteristic was added to the service

public boolean addService ( BluetoothGattService service)

Add an included service to this service.

Requires BLUETOOTH permission.

service The service to be added
  • true, if the included service was added to the service

public BluetoothGattCharacteristic getCharacteristic ( UUID uuid)

Returns a characteristic with a given UUID out of the list of characteristics offered by this service.

This is a convenience function to allow access to a given characteristic without enumerating over the list returned by getCharacteristics() manually.

If a remote service offers multiple characteristics with the same UUID, the first instance of a characteristic with the given UUID is returned.

  • GATT characteristic object or null if no characteristic with the given UUID was found.

public List < BluetoothGattCharacteristic > getCharacteristics ()

Returns a list of characteristics included in this service.

  • Characteristics included in this service

public List < BluetoothGattService > getIncludedServices ()

Get the list of included GATT services for this service.

  • List of included services or empty list if no included services were discovered.

public int getInstanceId ()

Returns the instance ID for this service

If a remote device offers multiple services with the same UUID (ex. multiple battery services for different batteries), the instance ID is used to distuinguish services.

  • Instance ID of this service

public int getType ()

Get the type of this service (primary/secondary)

public UUID getUuid ()

Returns the UUID of this service

  • UUID of this service