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Android APIs

Provides APIs for RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), allowing applications to manage on-demand or interactive data streaming. In particular, apps that provide VOIP, push-to-talk, conferencing, and audio streaming can use these APIs to initiate sessions and transmit or receive data streams over any available network.

To support audio conferencing and similar usages, you need to instantiate two classes as endpoints for the stream:

The simplest usage involves a single remote endpoint and local endpoint. For more complex usages, refer to the limitations described for AudioGroup .

Note: To use the RTP APIs, you must request the INTERNET and RECORD_AUDIO permissions in your manifest file.


AudioCodec This class defines a collection of audio codecs to be used with AudioStream s. 
AudioGroup An AudioGroup is an audio hub for the speaker, the microphone, and AudioStream s. 
AudioStream An AudioStream is a RtpStream which carrys audio payloads over Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). 
RtpStream RtpStream represents the base class of streams which send and receive network packets with media payloads over Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP).