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Android APIs
Added in API level 4


Provides classes to create, recognize, load and save gestures.



Gesture A gesture is a hand-drawn shape on a touch screen. 
GestureOverlayView A transparent overlay for gesture input that can be placed on top of other widgets or contain other widgets. 
GesturePoint A timed point of a gesture stroke. 
GestureStore GestureLibrary maintains gesture examples and makes predictions on a new gesture  
GestureStroke A gesture stroke started on a touch down and ended on a touch up. 
GestureUtils Utility functions for gesture processing & analysis, including methods for:
  • feature extraction (e.g., samplers and those for calculating bounding boxes and gesture path lengths);
  • geometric transformation (e.g., translation, rotation and scaling);
  • gesture similarity comparison (e.g., calculating Euclidean or Cosine distances between two gestures). 
OrientedBoundingBox An oriented bounding box  