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Android APIs
Added in API level 1



AbstractClientConnAdapter Abstract adapter from operated to managed client connections. 
AbstractPooledConnAdapter Abstract adapter from pool entries to managed client connections. 
AbstractPoolEntry A pool entry for use by connection manager implementations. 
DefaultClientConnection Default implementation of an operated client connection. 
DefaultClientConnectionOperator Default implementation of a ClientConnectionOperator
DefaultHttpRoutePlanner Default implementation of an HttpRoutePlanner
IdleConnectionHandler A helper class for connection managers to track idle connections. 
LoggingSessionInputBuffer Logs all data read to the wire LOG. 
LoggingSessionOutputBuffer Logs all data written to the wire LOG. 
ProxySelectorRoutePlanner Default implementation of an HttpRoutePlanner
SingleClientConnManager A connection "manager" for a single connection. 
SingleClientConnManager.ConnAdapter The connection adapter used by this manager. 
SingleClientConnManager.PoolEntry The pool entry for this connection manager. 
Wire Logs data to the wire LOG.