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Android APIs
Added in API level 1


Default implementations for interfaces in org.apache.http .


AbstractHttpClientConnection Abstract client-side HTTP connection capable of transmitting and receiving data using arbitrary SessionInputBuffer and SessionOutputBuffer  
AbstractHttpServerConnection Abstract server-side HTTP connection capable of transmitting and receiving data using arbitrary SessionInputBuffer and SessionOutputBuffer  
DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy Default implementation of a strategy deciding about connection re-use. 
DefaultHttpClientConnection Default implementation of a client-side HTTP connection. 
DefaultHttpRequestFactory Default implementation of a factory for creating request objects. 
DefaultHttpResponseFactory Default implementation of a factory for creating response objects. 
DefaultHttpServerConnection Default implementation of a server-side HTTP connection. 
EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog English reason phrases for HTTP status codes. 
HttpConnectionMetricsImpl Implementation of the metrics interface. 
NoConnectionReuseStrategy A strategy that never re-uses a connection. 
SocketHttpClientConnection Implementation of a client-side HTTP connection that can be bound to a network Socket in order to receive and transmit data. 
SocketHttpServerConnection Implementation of a server-side HTTP connection that can be bound to a network Socket in order to receive and transmit data.