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Android APIs
Added in API level 1


A selection of HTTP message implementations. There are basic implementations for HTTP requests with and without an entity, and for responses .


HeaderValueFormatter Interface for formatting elements of a header value. 
HeaderValueParser Interface for parsing header values into elements. 
LineFormatter Interface for formatting elements of the HEAD section of an HTTP message. 
LineParser Interface for parsing lines in the HEAD section of an HTTP message. 


AbstractHttpMessage Basic implementation of an HTTP message that can be modified. 
BasicHeader Represents an HTTP header field. 
BasicHeaderElement One element of an HTTP header's value. 
BasicHeaderElementIterator Basic implementation of a HeaderElementIterator
BasicHeaderIterator Basic implementation of a HeaderIterator
BasicHeaderValueFormatter Basic implementation for formatting header value elements. 
BasicHeaderValueParser Basic implementation for parsing header values into elements. 
BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest Basic implementation of a request with an entity that can be modified. 
BasicHttpRequest Basic implementation of an HTTP request that can be modified. 
BasicHttpResponse Basic implementation of an HTTP response that can be modified. 
BasicLineFormatter Interface for formatting elements of the HEAD section of an HTTP message. 
BasicLineParser Basic parser for lines in the head section of an HTTP message. 
BasicListHeaderIterator Implementation of a HeaderIterator based on a List
BasicNameValuePair A simple class encapsulating an attribute/value pair. 
BasicRequestLine The first line of an HttpRequest
BasicStatusLine Represents a status line as returned from a HTTP server. 
BasicTokenIterator Basic implementation of a TokenIterator
BufferedHeader This class represents a raw HTTP header whose content is parsed 'on demand' only when the header value needs to be consumed. 
HeaderGroup A class for combining a set of headers. 
ParserCursor This class represents a context of a parsing operation:
  • the current position the parsing operation is expected to start at
  • the bounds limiting the scope of the parsing operation