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Android APIs
Added in API level 1


The client-side route representation and tracking API, part of HttpConn .

An HttpRoute is the path along which a request has to be sent to the server. The route starts at a local network address and may pass through one or more proxies before reaching the target. Routes through proxies can be tunnelled, and a layered protocol (TLS/SSL) might be put on top of the tunnel. The RouteTracker helps in tracking the steps for establishing a route, while an HttpRouteDirector determines the next step to take.

The HttpRoutePlanner is responsible for determining a route to a given target host. Implementations must know about proxies to use, and about exemptions for hosts that should be contacted directly without a proxy.


HttpRouteDirector Provides directions on establishing a route. 
HttpRoutePlanner Encapsulates logic to compute a HttpRoute to a target host. 
RouteInfo Read-only interface for route information. 


BasicRouteDirector Basic implementation of an HttpRouteDirector
HttpRoute The route for a request. 
RouteTracker Helps tracking the steps in establishing a route. 


RouteInfo.LayerType The layering type of a route. 
RouteInfo.TunnelType The tunnelling type of a route.