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Android APIs

Contains APIs that control the routing of media channels and streams from the current device to external speakers and destination devices.

Compatible with API level 7 and higher.


MediaControlIntent Constants for media control intents. 
MediaItemMetadata Constants for specifying metadata about a media item as a Bundle
MediaItemStatus Describes the playback status of a media item. 
MediaItemStatus.Builder Builder for media item status objects
MediaRouteDescriptor Describes the properties of a route. 
MediaRouteDescriptor.Builder Builder for media route descriptors
MediaRouteDiscoveryRequest Describes the kinds of routes that the media router would like to discover and whether to perform active scanning. 
MediaRouteProvider Media route providers are used to publish additional media routes for use within an application. 
MediaRouteProvider.Callback Callback which is invoked when route information becomes available or changes. 
MediaRouteProvider.ProviderMetadata Describes properties of the route provider's implementation. 
MediaRouteProvider.RouteController Provides control over a particular route. 
MediaRouteProviderDescriptor Describes the state of a media route provider and the routes that it publishes. 
MediaRouteProviderDescriptor.Builder Builder for media route provider descriptors
MediaRouteProviderService Base class for media route provider services. 
MediaRouter MediaRouter allows applications to control the routing of media channels and streams from the current device to external speakers and destination devices. 
MediaRouter.Callback Interface for receiving events about media routing changes. 
MediaRouter.ControlRequestCallback Callback which is invoked with the result of a media control request. 
MediaRouter.ProviderInfo Provides information about a media route provider. 
MediaRouter.RouteInfo Provides information about a media route. 
MediaRouteSelector Describes the capabilities of routes that applications would like to discover and use. 
MediaRouteSelector.Builder Builder for media route selectors
MediaSessionStatus Describes the playback status of a media session. 
MediaSessionStatus.Builder Builder for media session status objects
RemotePlaybackClient A helper class for playing media on remote routes using the remote playback protocol defined by MediaControlIntent
RemotePlaybackClient.ActionCallback Base callback type for remote playback requests. 
RemotePlaybackClient.ItemActionCallback Callback for remote playback requests that operate on items. 
RemotePlaybackClient.SessionActionCallback Callback for remote playback requests that operate on sessions. 
RemotePlaybackClient.StatusCallback A callback that will receive media status updates.