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Android APIs
public class


extends CursorWrapper
implements CrossProcessCursor
   ↳ android.database.CursorWrapper
     ↳ android.database.CrossProcessCursorWrapper

Class Overview

Cursor wrapper that implements CrossProcessCursor .

If the wrapped cursor implements CrossProcessCursor , then the wrapper delegates fillWindow(int, CursorWindow) , getWindow() and onMove(int, int) to it. Otherwise, the wrapper provides default implementations of these methods that traverse the contents of the cursor similar to fillWindow(int, CursorWindow) .

This wrapper can be used to adapt an ordinary Cursor into a CrossProcessCursor .


Inherited Constants
From interface android.database.Cursor
Public Constructors
CrossProcessCursorWrapper ( Cursor cursor)
Creates a cross process cursor wrapper.
Public Methods
void fillWindow (int position, CursorWindow window)
Copies cursor data into the window.
CursorWindow getWindow ()
Returns a pre-filled window that contains the data within this cursor.
boolean onMove (int oldPosition, int newPosition)
This function is called every time the cursor is successfully scrolled to a new position, giving the subclass a chance to update any state it may have.
Inherited Methods
From class android.database.CursorWrapper
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.database.CrossProcessCursor
From interface android.database.Cursor
From interface
From interface java.lang.AutoCloseable

Public Constructors

public CrossProcessCursorWrapper ( Cursor cursor)

Creates a cross process cursor wrapper.

cursor The underlying cursor to wrap.

Public Methods

public void fillWindow (int position, CursorWindow window)

Copies cursor data into the window.

Clears the window and fills it with data beginning at the requested row position until all of the data in the cursor is exhausted or the window runs out of space.

The filled window uses the same row indices as the original cursor. For example, if you fill a window starting from row 5 from the cursor, you can query the contents of row 5 from the window just by asking it for row 5 because there is a direct correspondence between the row indices used by the cursor and the window.

The current position of the cursor, as returned by getPosition() , is not changed by this method.

position The zero-based index of the first row to copy into the window.
window The window to fill.

public CursorWindow getWindow ()

Returns a pre-filled window that contains the data within this cursor.

In particular, the window contains the row indicated by getPosition() . The window's contents are automatically scrolled whenever the current row moved outside the range covered by the window.

  • The pre-filled window, or null if none.

public boolean onMove (int oldPosition, int newPosition)

This function is called every time the cursor is successfully scrolled to a new position, giving the subclass a chance to update any state it may have. If it returns false the move function will also do so and the cursor will scroll to the beforeFirst position.

This function should be called by methods such as moveToPosition(int) , so it will typically not be called from outside of the cursor class itself.

oldPosition The position that we're moving from.
newPosition The position that we're moving to.
  • True if the move is successful, false otherwise.