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Android APIs
public class


extends Object

Class Overview

Defines error codes returned during SIP actions. For example, during onRegistrationFailed() , onError() , onCallChangeFailed() and onRegistrationFailed() .


int CLIENT_ERROR When some error occurs on the device, possibly due to a bug.
int CROSS_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION Cross-domain authentication required.
int DATA_CONNECTION_LOST When data connection is lost.
int INVALID_CREDENTIALS When invalid credentials are provided.
int INVALID_REMOTE_URI When the remote URI is not valid.
int IN_PROGRESS The client is in a transaction and cannot initiate a new one.
int NO_ERROR Not an error.
int PEER_NOT_REACHABLE When the peer is not reachable.
int SERVER_ERROR When server responds with an error.
int SERVER_UNREACHABLE When the server is not reachable.
int SOCKET_ERROR When some socket error occurs.
int TIME_OUT When the transaction gets timed out.
int TRANSACTION_TERMINTED When transaction is terminated unexpectedly.
Public Methods
static String toString (int errorCode)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int CLIENT_ERROR

Added in API level 9

When some error occurs on the device, possibly due to a bug.

Constant Value: -4 (0xfffffffc)

public static final int CROSS_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION

Added in API level 9

Cross-domain authentication required.

Constant Value: -11 (0xfffffff5)

public static final int DATA_CONNECTION_LOST

Added in API level 9

When data connection is lost.

Constant Value: -10 (0xfffffff6)

public static final int INVALID_CREDENTIALS

Added in API level 9

When invalid credentials are provided.

Constant Value: -8 (0xfffffff8)

public static final int INVALID_REMOTE_URI

Added in API level 9

When the remote URI is not valid.

Constant Value: -6 (0xfffffffa)

public static final int IN_PROGRESS

Added in API level 9

The client is in a transaction and cannot initiate a new one.

Constant Value: -9 (0xfffffff7)

public static final int NO_ERROR

Added in API level 9

Not an error.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int PEER_NOT_REACHABLE

Added in API level 9

When the peer is not reachable.

Constant Value: -7 (0xfffffff9)

public static final int SERVER_ERROR

Added in API level 9

When server responds with an error.

Constant Value: -2 (0xfffffffe)

public static final int SERVER_UNREACHABLE

Added in API level 9

When the server is not reachable.

Constant Value: -12 (0xfffffff4)

public static final int SOCKET_ERROR

Added in API level 9

When some socket error occurs.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

public static final int TIME_OUT

Added in API level 9

When the transaction gets timed out.

Constant Value: -5 (0xfffffffb)

public static final int TRANSACTION_TERMINTED

Added in API level 9

When transaction is terminated unexpectedly.

Constant Value: -3 (0xfffffffd)

Public Methods

public static String toString (int errorCode)

Added in API level 9