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Android APIs
public final class


extends Object
implements TagTechnology

Class Overview

Provides access to tags containing just a barcode.

Acquire an NfcBarcode object using get(Tag) .


int TYPE_KOVIO Kovio Tags
Public Methods
void close ()
Disable I/O operations to the tag from this TagTechnology object, and release resources.
void connect ()
Enable I/O operations to the tag from this TagTechnology object.
static NfcBarcode get ( Tag tag)
Get an instance of NfcBarcode for the given tag.
byte[] getBarcode ()
Returns the barcode of an NfcBarcode tag.
Tag getTag ()
Get the Tag object backing this TagTechnology object.
int getType ()
Returns the NFC Barcode tag type.
boolean isConnected ()
Helper to indicate if I/O operations should be possible.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface
From interface java.lang.AutoCloseable


public static final int TYPE_KOVIO

Kovio Tags

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

Public Methods

public void close ()

Disable I/O operations to the tag from this TagTechnology object, and release resources.

Also causes all blocked I/O operations on other thread to be canceled and return with IOException .

Requires the NFC permission.

public void connect ()

Enable I/O operations to the tag from this TagTechnology object.

May cause RF activity and may block. Must not be called from the main application thread. A blocked call will be canceled with IOException by calling close() from another thread.

Only one TagTechnology object can be connected to a Tag at a time.

Applications must call close() when I/O operations are complete.

Requires the NFC permission.

public static NfcBarcode get ( Tag tag)

Get an instance of NfcBarcode for the given tag.

Returns null if NfcBarcode was not enumerated in getTechList() .

Does not cause any RF activity and does not block.

tag an NfcBarcode compatible tag
  • NfcBarcode object

public byte[] getBarcode ()

Returns the barcode of an NfcBarcode tag.

Tags of TYPE_KOVIO return 16 bytes:

    The first byte is 0x80 ORd with a manufacturer ID, corresponding to ISO/IEC 7816-6.

    The second byte describes the payload data format. Defined data format types include the following:

    • 0x00: Reserved for manufacturer assignment
    • 0x01: 96-bit URL with "http://www." prefix
    • 0x02: 96-bit URL with "https://www." prefix
    • 0x03: 96-bit URL with "http://" prefix
    • 0x04: 96-bit URL with "https://" prefix
    • 0x05: 96-bit GS1 EPC
    • 0x06-0xFF: reserved

    The following 12 bytes are payload:

    The last 2 bytes comprise the CRC.

Does not cause any RF activity and does not block.

  • a byte array containing the barcode

public Tag getTag ()

Get the Tag object backing this TagTechnology object.


public int getType ()

Returns the NFC Barcode tag type.

Currently only one of TYPE_KOVIO or TYPE_UNKNOWN .

Does not cause any RF activity and does not block.

  • the NFC Barcode tag type

public boolean isConnected ()

Helper to indicate if I/O operations should be possible.

Returns true if connect() has completed, and close() has not been called, and the Tag is not known to be out of range.

Does not cause RF activity, and does not block.

  • true if I/O operations should be possible