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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Builder class for KeyPairGeneratorSpec objects.

This will build a parameter spec for use with the Android KeyStore facility .

The required fields must be filled in with the builder.


        Calendar start = new Calendar();
 Calendar end = new Calendar();
 end.add(1, Calendar.YEAR);

 KeyPairGeneratorSpec spec =
         new KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder(mContext).setAlias("myKey")
                 .setSubject(new X500Principal("CN=myKey")).setSerial(BigInteger.valueOf(1337))


Public Constructors
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder ( Context context)
Creates a new instance of the Builder with the given context .
Public Methods
KeyPairGeneratorSpec build ()
Builds the instance of the KeyPairGeneratorSpec .
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setAlgorithmParameterSpec ( AlgorithmParameterSpec spec)
Sets the underlying key type's parameters.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setAlias ( String alias)
Sets the alias to be used to retrieve the key later from a KeyStore instance using the AndroidKeyStore provider.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setEncryptionRequired ()
Indicates that this key must be encrypted at rest on storage.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setEndDate ( Date endDate)
Sets the end of the validity period for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setKeySize (int keySize)
Sets the key size for the keypair to be created.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setKeyType ( String keyType)
Sets the key type (e.g., RSA, DSA, EC) of the keypair to be created.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setSerialNumber ( BigInteger serialNumber)
Sets the serial number used for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setStartDate ( Date startDate)
Sets the start of the validity period for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setSubject ( X500Principal subject)
Sets the subject used for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder ( Context context)

Creates a new instance of the Builder with the given context . The context passed in may be used to pop up some UI to ask the user to unlock or initialize the Android KeyStore facility.

Public Methods

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec build ()

Builds the instance of the KeyPairGeneratorSpec .

  • built instance of KeyPairGeneratorSpec
IllegalArgumentException if a required field is missing

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setAlgorithmParameterSpec ( AlgorithmParameterSpec spec)

Sets the underlying key type's parameters. This is required for DSA where you must set this to an instance of DSAParameterSpec .

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setAlias ( String alias)

Sets the alias to be used to retrieve the key later from a KeyStore instance using the AndroidKeyStore provider.

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setEncryptionRequired ()

Indicates that this key must be encrypted at rest on storage. Note that enabling this will require that the user enable a strong lock screen (e.g., PIN, password) before creating or using the generated key is successful.

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setEndDate ( Date endDate)

Sets the end of the validity period for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setKeySize (int keySize)

Sets the key size for the keypair to be created. For instance, for a key type of RSA this will set the modulus size and for a key type of EC it will select a curve with a matching field size.

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setKeyType ( String keyType)

Sets the key type (e.g., RSA, DSA, EC) of the keypair to be created.

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setSerialNumber ( BigInteger serialNumber)

Sets the serial number used for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setStartDate ( Date startDate)

Sets the start of the validity period for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.

public KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder setSubject ( X500Principal subject)

Sets the subject used for the self-signed certificate of the generated key pair.