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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.speech.RecognitionService.Callback

Class Overview

This class receives callbacks from the speech recognition service and forwards them to the user. An instance of this class is passed to the onStartListening(Intent, Callback) method. Recognizers may call these methods on any thread.


Public Methods
void beginningOfSpeech ()
The service should call this method when the user has started to speak.
void bufferReceived (byte[] buffer)
The service should call this method when sound has been received.
void endOfSpeech ()
The service should call this method after the user stops speaking.
void error (int error)
The service should call this method when a network or recognition error occurred.
void partialResults ( Bundle partialResults)
The service should call this method when partial recognition results are available.
void readyForSpeech ( Bundle params)
The service should call this method when the endpointer is ready for the user to start speaking.
void results ( Bundle results)
The service should call this method when recognition results are ready.
void rmsChanged (float rmsdB)
The service should call this method when the sound level in the audio stream has changed.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public void beginningOfSpeech ()

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method when the user has started to speak.

public void bufferReceived (byte[] buffer)

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method when sound has been received. The purpose of this function is to allow giving feedback to the user regarding the captured audio.

buffer a buffer containing a sequence of big-endian 16-bit integers representing a single channel audio stream. The sample rate is implementation dependent.

public void endOfSpeech ()

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method after the user stops speaking.

public void error (int error)

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method when a network or recognition error occurred.

error code is defined in SpeechRecognizer

public void partialResults ( Bundle partialResults)

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method when partial recognition results are available. This method can be called at any time between beginningOfSpeech() and results(Bundle) when partial results are ready. This method may be called zero, one or multiple times for each call to startListening(Intent) , depending on the speech recognition service implementation.

partialResults the returned results. To retrieve the results in ArrayList<String> format use getStringArrayList(String) with RESULTS_RECOGNITION as a parameter

public void readyForSpeech ( Bundle params)

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method when the endpointer is ready for the user to start speaking.

params parameters set by the recognition service. Reserved for future use.

public void results ( Bundle results)

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method when recognition results are ready.

results the recognition results. To retrieve the results in ArrayList<String> format use getStringArrayList(String) with RESULTS_RECOGNITION as a parameter

public void rmsChanged (float rmsdB)

Added in API level 8

The service should call this method when the sound level in the audio stream has changed. There is no guarantee that this method will be called.

rmsdB the new RMS dB value