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Android APIs
public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ android.speech.tts.UtteranceProgressListener

Class Overview

Listener for events relating to the progress of an utterance through the synthesis queue. Each utterance is associated with a call to )">speak(String, int, HashMap ) or , java.lang.String)">synthesizeToFile(String, HashMap , String) with an associated utterance identifier, as per KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID . The callbacks specified in this method can be called from multiple threads.


Public Constructors
UtteranceProgressListener ()
Public Methods
abstract void onDone ( String utteranceId)
Called when an utterance has successfully completed processing.
abstract void onError ( String utteranceId)
Called when an error has occurred during processing.
abstract void onStart ( String utteranceId)
Called when an utterance "starts" as perceived by the caller.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public UtteranceProgressListener ()

Public Methods

public abstract void onDone ( String utteranceId)

Called when an utterance has successfully completed processing. All audio will have been played back by this point for audible output, and all output will have been written to disk for file synthesis requests. This request is guaranteed to be called after onStart(String) .

utteranceId the utterance ID of the utterance.

public abstract void onError ( String utteranceId)

Called when an error has occurred during processing. This can be called at any point in the synthesis process. Note that there might be calls to onStart(String) for specified utteranceId but there will never be a call to both onDone(String) and onError(String) for the same utterance.

utteranceId the utterance ID of the utterance.

public abstract void onStart ( String utteranceId)

Called when an utterance "starts" as perceived by the caller. This will be soon before audio is played back in the case of a )">speak(String, int, HashMap ) or before the first bytes of a file are written to storage in the case of , java.lang.String)">synthesizeToFile(String, HashMap , String) .

utteranceId the utterance ID of the utterance.