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Android APIs
public static class


extends Object

Class Overview

IntentBuilder is a helper for constructing ACTION_SEND and ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE sharing intents and starting activities to share content. The ComponentName and package name of the calling activity will be included.


Public Methods
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailBcc ( String[] addresses)
Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailBcc ( String address)
Add an email address to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailCc ( String[] addresses)
Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailCc ( String address)
Add an email address to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailTo ( String address)
Add an email address to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailTo ( String[] addresses)
Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addStream ( Uri streamUri)
Add a stream URI to the data that should be shared.
Intent createChooserIntent ()
Create an Intent that will launch the standard Android activity chooser, allowing the user to pick what activity/app on the system should handle the share.
static ShareCompat.IntentBuilder from ( Activity launchingActivity)
Create a new IntentBuilder for launching a sharing action from launchingActivity.
Intent getIntent ()
Retrieve the Intent as configured so far by the IntentBuilder.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setChooserTitle (int resId)
Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setChooserTitle ( CharSequence title)
Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setEmailBcc ( String[] addresses)
Set an array of email addresses to BCC on this share.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setEmailCc ( String[] addresses)
Set an array of email addresses to CC on this share.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setEmailTo ( String[] addresses)
Set an array of email addresses as recipients of this share.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setHtmlText ( String htmlText)
Set an HTML string to be sent as part of the share.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setStream ( Uri streamUri)
Set a stream URI to the data that should be shared.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setSubject ( String subject)
Set a subject heading for this share; useful for sharing via email.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setText ( CharSequence text)
Set the literal text data to be sent as part of the share.
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setType ( String mimeType)
Set the type of data being shared
void startChooser ()
Start a chooser activity for the current share intent.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailBcc ( String[] addresses)

Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.

addresses Email addresses to BCC
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailBcc ( String address)

Add an email address to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.

address Email address to BCC
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailCc ( String[] addresses)

Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.

addresses Email addresses to CC
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailCc ( String address)

Add an email address to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.

address Email address to CC
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailTo ( String address)

Add an email address to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.

address Email address to send to
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addEmailTo ( String[] addresses)

Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.

addresses Email addresses to send to
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder addStream ( Uri streamUri)

Add a stream URI to the data that should be shared. If this is not the first stream URI added the final intent constructed will become an ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE intent. Not all apps will handle both ACTION_SEND and ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.

streamUri URI of the stream to share
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining

public Intent createChooserIntent ()

Create an Intent that will launch the standard Android activity chooser, allowing the user to pick what activity/app on the system should handle the share.

  • A chooser Intent for the currently configured sharing action

public static ShareCompat.IntentBuilder from ( Activity launchingActivity)

Create a new IntentBuilder for launching a sharing action from launchingActivity.

launchingActivity Activity that the share will be launched from
  • a new IntentBuilder instance

public Intent getIntent ()

Retrieve the Intent as configured so far by the IntentBuilder. This Intent is suitable for use in a ShareActionProvider or chooser dialog.

To create an intent that will launch the activity chooser so that the user may select a target for the share, see createChooserIntent() .

  • The current Intent being configured by this builder

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setChooserTitle (int resId)

Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.

resId Resource ID of the title string to use
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setChooserTitle ( CharSequence title)

Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.

title Title string
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setEmailBcc ( String[] addresses)

Set an array of email addresses to BCC on this share. This replaces all current "BCC" recipients that have been set so far.

addresses Email addresses to BCC on the share
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setEmailCc ( String[] addresses)

Set an array of email addresses to CC on this share. This replaces all current "CC" recipients that have been set so far.

addresses Email addresses to CC on the share
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setEmailTo ( String[] addresses)

Set an array of email addresses as recipients of this share. This replaces all current "to" recipients that have been set so far.

addresses Email addresses to send to
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setHtmlText ( String htmlText)

Set an HTML string to be sent as part of the share. If EXTRA_TEXT has not already been supplied, a styled version of the supplied HTML text will be added as EXTRA_TEXT as parsed by Html.fromHtml .

htmlText A string containing HTML markup as a richer version of the text provided by EXTRA_TEXT.
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setStream ( Uri streamUri)

Set a stream URI to the data that should be shared.

This replaces all currently set stream URIs and will produce a single-stream ACTION_SEND intent.

streamUri URI of the stream to share
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setSubject ( String subject)

Set a subject heading for this share; useful for sharing via email.

subject Subject heading for this share
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setText ( CharSequence text)

Set the literal text data to be sent as part of the share. This may be a styled CharSequence.

text Text to share
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining
See Also

public ShareCompat.IntentBuilder setType ( String mimeType)

Set the type of data being shared

mimeType mimetype of the shared data
  • This IntentBuilder for method chaining

public void startChooser ()

Start a chooser activity for the current share intent.

Note that under most circumstances you should use ShareCompat.configureMenuItem() to add a Share item to the menu while presenting a detail view of the content to be shared instead of invoking this directly.