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Android APIs
public class


extends ActionBarImplJB


Inherited Constants
From class
Public Constructors
ActionBarImplJBMR2 ( Activity activity, ActionBar.Callback callback)
Public Methods
void setHomeActionContentDescription ( CharSequence description)
Set an alternate description for the Home/Up action, when enabled.
void setHomeActionContentDescription (int resId)
Set an alternate description for the Home/Up action, when enabled.
void setHomeAsUpIndicator (int resId)
Set an alternate drawable to display next to the icon/logo/title when DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP is enabled.
void setHomeAsUpIndicator ( Drawable indicator)
Set an alternate drawable to display next to the icon/logo/title when DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP is enabled.
Inherited Methods
From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public ActionBarImplJBMR2 ( Activity activity, ActionBar.Callback callback)

Public Methods

public void setHomeActionContentDescription ( CharSequence description)

Set an alternate description for the Home/Up action, when enabled.

This description is commonly used for accessibility/screen readers when the Home action is enabled. (See setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(boolean) .) Examples of this are, "Navigate Home" or "Navigate Up" depending on the DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP display option. If you have changed the home-as-up indicator using setHomeAsUpIndicator(int) to indicate more specific functionality such as a sliding drawer, you should also set this to accurately describe the action.

Setting this to null will use the system default description.

description New description for the Home action when enabled

public void setHomeActionContentDescription (int resId)

Set an alternate description for the Home/Up action, when enabled.

This description is commonly used for accessibility/screen readers when the Home action is enabled. (See setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(boolean) .) Examples of this are, "Navigate Home" or "Navigate Up" depending on the DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP display option. If you have changed the home-as-up indicator using setHomeAsUpIndicator(int) to indicate more specific functionality such as a sliding drawer, you should also set this to accurately describe the action.

Setting this to 0 will use the system default description.

resId Resource ID of a string to use as the new description for the Home action when enabled

public void setHomeAsUpIndicator (int resId)

Set an alternate drawable to display next to the icon/logo/title when DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP is enabled. This can be useful if you are using this mode to display an alternate selection for up navigation, such as a sliding drawer.

If you pass 0 to this method, the default drawable from the theme will be used.

If you implement alternate or intermediate behavior around Up, you should also call setHomeActionContentDescription() to provide a correct description of the action for accessibility support.

resId Resource ID of a drawable to use for the up indicator, or 0 to use the theme's default

public void setHomeAsUpIndicator ( Drawable indicator)

Set an alternate drawable to display next to the icon/logo/title when DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP is enabled. This can be useful if you are using this mode to display an alternate selection for up navigation, such as a sliding drawer.

If you pass null to this method, the default drawable from the theme will be used.

If you implement alternate or intermediate behavior around Up, you should also call setHomeActionContentDescription() to provide a correct description of the action for accessibility support.

indicator A drawable to use for the up indicator, or null to use the theme's default