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Android APIs
public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Constants for specifying metadata about a media item as a Bundle .

This class is part of the remote playback protocol described by the MediaControlIntent class.

Media item metadata is described as a bundle of key/value pairs as defined in this class. The documentation specifies the type of value associated with each key.

An application may specify additional custom metadata keys but there is no guarantee that they will be recognized by the destination.


String KEY_ALBUM_ARTIST String key: Album artist name.
String KEY_ALBUM_TITLE String key: Album title.
String KEY_ARTIST String key: Artist name.
String KEY_ARTWORK_URI String key: Artwork Uri.
String KEY_AUTHOR String key: Author name.
String KEY_COMPOSER String key: Composer name.
String KEY_DISC_NUMBER Integer key: Disc number within a collection.
String KEY_DURATION Long key: Item playback duration in milliseconds.
String KEY_TITLE String key: Track title.
String KEY_TRACK_NUMBER Integer key: Track number (such as a track on a CD).
String KEY_YEAR Integer key: Year of publication.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String KEY_ALBUM_ARTIST

String key: Album artist name.

The value is a string suitable for display.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_ALBUM_TITLE

String key: Album title.

The value is a string suitable for display.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_ARTIST

String key: Artist name.

The value is a string suitable for display.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_ARTWORK_URI

String key: Artwork Uri.

The value is a string URI for an image file associated with the media item, such as album or cover art.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_AUTHOR

String key: Author name.

The value is a string suitable for display.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_COMPOSER

String key: Composer name.

The value is a string suitable for display.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_DISC_NUMBER

Integer key: Disc number within a collection.

The value is a one-based integer disc number.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_DURATION

Long key: Item playback duration in milliseconds.

The value is a long number of milliseconds.

The duration metadata is only a hint to enable a remote media player to guess the duration of the content before it actually opens the media stream. The remote media player should still determine the actual content duration from the media stream itself independent of the value that may be specified by this key.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_TITLE

String key: Track title.

The value is a string suitable for display.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_TRACK_NUMBER

Integer key: Track number (such as a track on a CD).

The value is a one-based integer track number.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String KEY_YEAR

Integer key: Year of publication.

The value is an integer year number.

Constant Value: ""