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Android APIs
Added in API level 1
public static interface



Class Overview

TransformFilter enables client code to have more control over how matched patterns are represented as URLs. For example: when converting a phone number such as (919) 555-1212 into a tel: URL the parentheses, white space, and hyphen need to be removed to produce tel:9195551212.


Public Methods
abstract String transformUrl ( Matcher match, String url)
Examines the matched text and either passes it through or uses the data in the Matcher state to produce a replacement.

Public Methods

public abstract String transformUrl ( Matcher match, String url)

Added in API level 1

Examines the matched text and either passes it through or uses the data in the Matcher state to produce a replacement.

match The regex matcher state that found this URL text
url The text that was matched
  • The transformed form of the URL