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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.util.Xml

Class Overview

XML utility methods.


Nested Classes
enum Xml.Encoding Supported character encodings. 
public static String FEATURE_RELAXED XmlPullParser "relaxed" feature name.
Public Methods
static AttributeSet asAttributeSet ( XmlPullParser parser)
Return an AttributeSet interface for use with the given XmlPullParser.
static Xml.Encoding findEncodingByName ( String encodingName)
Finds an encoding by name.
static XmlPullParser newPullParser ()
Returns a new pull parser with namespace support.
static XmlSerializer newSerializer ()
Creates a new xml serializer.
static void parse ( String xml, ContentHandler contentHandler)
Parses the given xml string and fires events on the given SAX handler.
static void parse ( InputStream in, Xml.Encoding encoding, ContentHandler contentHandler)
Parses xml from the given input stream and fires events on the given SAX handler.
static void parse ( Reader in, ContentHandler contentHandler)
Parses xml from the given reader and fires events on the given SAX handler.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static String FEATURE_RELAXED

Added in API level 1

XmlPullParser "relaxed" feature name.

Public Methods

public static AttributeSet asAttributeSet ( XmlPullParser parser)

Added in API level 1

Return an AttributeSet interface for use with the given XmlPullParser. If the given parser itself implements AttributeSet, that implementation is simply returned. Otherwise a wrapper class is instantiated on top of the XmlPullParser, as a proxy for retrieving its attributes, and returned to you.

parser The existing parser for which you would like an AttributeSet.
  • An AttributeSet you can use to retrieve the attribute values at each of the tags as the parser moves through its XML document.

public static Xml.Encoding findEncodingByName ( String encodingName)

Added in API level 1

Finds an encoding by name. Returns UTF-8 if you pass null .

public static XmlPullParser newPullParser ()

Added in API level 1

Returns a new pull parser with namespace support.

public static XmlSerializer newSerializer ()

Added in API level 1

Creates a new xml serializer.

public static void parse ( String xml, ContentHandler contentHandler)

Added in API level 1

Parses the given xml string and fires events on the given SAX handler.

public static void parse ( InputStream in, Xml.Encoding encoding, ContentHandler contentHandler)

Added in API level 1

Parses xml from the given input stream and fires events on the given SAX handler.

public static void parse ( Reader in, ContentHandler contentHandler)

Added in API level 1

Parses xml from the given reader and fires events on the given SAX handler.