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Android APIs
public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.webkit.WebStorage

Class Overview

This class is used to manage the JavaScript storage APIs provided by the WebView . It manages the Application Cache API, the Web SQL Database API and the HTML5 Web Storage API. The Application Cache API provides a mechanism to create and maintain an application cache to power offline Web applications. Use of the Application Cache API can be attributed to an origin WebStorage.Origin , however it is not possible to set per-origin quotas. Note that there can be only one application cache per application. The Web SQL Database API provides storage which is private to a given origin. Similar to the Application Cache, use of the Web SQL Database can be attributed to an origin. It is also possible to set per-origin quotas.


Nested Classes
class WebStorage.Origin This class encapsulates information about the amount of storage currently used by an origin for the JavaScript storage APIs. 
interface WebStorage.QuotaUpdater This interface was deprecated in API level 19. This class is obsolete and no longer used.  
Public Methods
void deleteAllData ()
Clears all storage currently being used by the JavaScript storage APIs.
void deleteOrigin ( String origin)
Clears the storage currently being used by both the Application Cache and Web SQL Database APIs by the given origin.
static WebStorage getInstance ()
Gets the singleton instance of this class.
void )">getOrigins ( ValueCallback < Map > callback)
Gets the origins currently using either the Application Cache or Web SQL Database APIs.
void )">getQuotaForOrigin ( String origin, ValueCallback < Long > callback)
Gets the storage quota for the Web SQL Database API for the given origin.
void )">getUsageForOrigin ( String origin, ValueCallback < Long > callback)
Gets the amount of storage currently being used by both the Application Cache and Web SQL Database APIs by the given origin.
void setQuotaForOrigin ( String origin, long quota)
This method was deprecated in API level 18. Controlling quota per-origin will not be supported in future.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public void deleteAllData ()

Added in API level 7

Clears all storage currently being used by the JavaScript storage APIs. This includes the Application Cache, Web SQL Database and the HTML5 Web Storage APIs.

public void deleteOrigin ( String origin)

Added in API level 7

Clears the storage currently being used by both the Application Cache and Web SQL Database APIs by the given origin. The origin is specified using its string representation.

public static WebStorage getInstance ()

Added in API level 7

Gets the singleton instance of this class.


public void getOrigins ( ValueCallback < Map > callback)

Added in API level 7

Gets the origins currently using either the Application Cache or Web SQL Database APIs. This method operates asynchronously, with the result being provided via a ValueCallback . The origins are provided as a map, of type Map , from the string representation of the origin to a WebStorage.Origin object.


public void getQuotaForOrigin ( String origin, ValueCallback < Long > callback)

Added in API level 7

Gets the storage quota for the Web SQL Database API for the given origin. The quota is given in bytes and the origin is specified using its string representation. This method operates asynchronously, with the result being provided via a ValueCallback . Note that a quota is not enforced on a per-origin basis for the Application Cache API.


public void getUsageForOrigin ( String origin, ValueCallback < Long > callback)

Added in API level 7

Gets the amount of storage currently being used by both the Application Cache and Web SQL Database APIs by the given origin. The amount is given in bytes and the origin is specified using its string representation. This method operates asynchronously, with the result being provided via a ValueCallback .

public void setQuotaForOrigin ( String origin, long quota)

Added in API level 7

This method was deprecated in API level 18.
Controlling quota per-origin will not be supported in future.

Sets the storage quota for the Web SQL Database API for the given origin. The quota is specified in bytes and the origin is specified using its string representation. Note that a quota is not enforced on a per-origin basis for the Application Cache API.